Top 8 Worldwide Tungsten Producing Countries

Tungsten holds many uses, including in the manufacture of electrical wire, as well as for heating and electrical contacts. It is also used in welding, heavy metal alloys, turbine blades and as a lead substitute for bullets. Below is an overview of the top eight tungsten producing countries.

According to the latest US Geological Survey report on tungsten, global tungsten production in 2021 is 79,000 metric tons (MT), up slightly from 78,400 MT in 2020, despite China's tightening regulations on tungsten mining and processing. Instead, production of the key metal increased significantly in Portugal, Rwanda and Spain.

1. China

Mine production: 66,000 Metric Tons

China produced the same amount of tungsten in 2021 as it did in 2020 and retain the top as the world's largest tungsten producer by a wide margin. Nonetheless, China's tungsten production has declined in recent years as the country has limited the number of tungsten mining and export licenses issued and imposed quotas on tungsten concentrate production, as well as increased environmental inspections.

In addition to being the world's largest producer of tungsten, China is also the world's largest consumer of the metal. In addition to this, China has been the main source of tungsten imports to the U.S. since 2017, reportedly accounting for 32% of total U.S. tungsten imports between 2017 and 2020.

Biggest supplier countries of CRMs to the EU image

(Source: European Commission report on the 2020 criticality assessment)

2. Vietnam

Mine production: 4,500 Metric Tons

Like China, Vietnam's tungsten production has been declining in recent years, remaining at 4,500 metric tons in 2021. Privately held Masan Resources operates the Nui Phao mine in Vietnam, which the company says is the largest tungsten-producing mine outside of China. It is also one of the lowest-cost tungsten producers in the world.

3. Russia

Mine production: 2,400 Metric Tons

Tungsten production in Russia, one of the world's the eight largest tungsten producing countries, has trended downward in recent years and is expected to remain flat through 2021. Conflicts between Russia and Ukraine is expected to hinder Russia's ability to trade and deliver tungsten to the market because of the sanctions it faces. Russia is an important supplier of metals to Europe, and restrictions on the country's metal imports could increase Europe's dependence on Chinese imports.

4. Bolivia

Mine production: 1,400 metric tons

Over the past five years, Bolivia has succeeded in increasing its tungsten production as a result of initiatives to promote the tungsten industry. Its production increased to 1,400 metric tons in 2021 from 1,350 metric tons the previous year. Bolivia's mining industry is heavily influenced by Comibol, a state-owned mining umbrella company.

5. Rwanda

Mine production: 950 metric tons

Rwanda produced 950 metric tons of tungsten in 2021, up from 840 metric tons in 2020. Tungsten is one of the world's most common conflict minerals, meaning that at least some of it is produced in conflict zones and sold to perpetuate the fighting. While Rwanda has been trying to promote itself as a source of conflict-free minerals, concerns remain about the country's tungsten production. Fairphone, which aims to promote "fairer electronics," is supporting conflict-free tungsten production in Rwanda.

2020 EU Critical Raw Materials List image

6. Austria and Spain

Mine production: 900 metric tons each

European countries Austria and Spain are tied for the sixth largest tungsten producer in 2021. Austria produced 900 metric tons of tungsten in 2021, compared to 890 metric tons the previous year. Much of this production can be attributed to Wolfram's Mittersill mine, located in Salzburg, which has the largest tungsten deposit in Europe.

Spain's tungsten production almost doubled in 2021, a significant increase from the previous year's 500 metric tons. In Spain, there are many companies engaged in the exploration, development and mining of tungsten assets. Examples include Almonty Industries and W Resources.

7. Portugal

Mine production: 620 metric tons

Portugal, the eighth among the eight largest tungsten producing countries, is another country that will increase tungsten production in 2021, up from 550 MT the previous year. Panasqueira mine is the largest tungsten producer in Portugal. The Borralha mine was once the second largest tungsten mine in Portugal.


