Sapphire Crystal Crucible

Currently used sapphire crucible furnace iridium crucible , crucible tungsten , molybdenum crucible . From a practical standpoint, iridium crucible for sapphire most polluted  tungsten crucible is small, but the price is too expensive , the cost is high ; while tungsten and molybdenum crucible crucible relatively cheaper , but the pollution is relatively large. The general use of iridium iridium crucible crucible heating element itself , but using tungsten, molybdenum crucible crucible itself is done using less heat . Ukraine Donets Ikal-200 type of crystal growth furnace , the use of molybdenum crucible , heat shield molybdenum , tungsten heating body , at a high temperature to volatilize molybdenum and tungsten atoms. Of course, tungsten , molybdenum crucible itself to do the heating element is not without ( domestic reportedly doing very good ) , is relative , process selection and temperature field settings are very critical factor . Different crystal growth method using the crucible will be different, such as the Kyropoulos (KY) Average of tungsten crucible , heat exchange method (HEM) generally used molybdenum crucible , because the heat exchange last to fall through to take a single crystal , and the molybdenum crucible cheapest price . According crucible manufacturing process, can be divided into pressed and sintered crucible and the crucible spinning , pressed and sintered crucible of lower quality , purity, low density , relatively short life , the price is relatively cheap ; spinning crucible of higher quality, purity , density higher , longer service life , high price. It is understood that domestic crystal growth furnace is generally used to suppress sintering crucible .

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