APT Price Is in Downstream Trend Due to Negative Mentality of Manufacturers

Analysis of latest tungsten market from Chinatungsten Online: In the tungsten concentrate market, downstream manufacturers mainly wait and see high-price raw materials, without high enthusiasm in stocking up. Most mines restart working in the late March, plus traders raise shipment willingness due to tight capital, spot goods in the market increase, which stresses raw material side. Tungsten concentrate price becomes weak in consequence.

Due to poor performance in tungsten concentrate market and thin market trading, APT manufacturers turn negative, and downstream enterprises try to force price down. APT price continues its downstream trend.

Downstream alloy and product enterprises maintain cautious mentality, but considering the sufficient long-term orders of most enterprises, tungsten power price is stable overall.

Taken together, pressed by unbalanced supply and demand in the raw material market, weak terminal demand and tight funds, trading volumes are difficult to increase and market price will continue its weak adjustment.

Prices of tungsten products on Mar. 23, 2018

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