Rare Shouchu expected to heat up again near the point in time

Reported that the State Reserve Bureau has signed an agreement with six major purchasing and storage of rare earth rare earth group , at a time of the month, purchasing and storage of rare earth is expected to heat up again . In addition , the National Committee of Standards and Technology rare recently held a meeting to discuss and validation of the " rare earth grades representation " and 18 rare earth industry standards. With the formation of six Rare Earth Group , a new pricing mechanism of rare earths is expected to break Bureau .

From the historical data , from January to February is the off-season demand for rare earths , the chain typically have significantly increased the amount of rare earth exports from March to May . If you plan to gradually implement the recent state purchasing and storage , then the current price of rare earth corresponding stage at the bottom . Insiders optimistic market outlook is expected to determine the domestic rare earth prices upward , price increases in the coming quarter is expected to reach about 15%.

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