Rare earth prices are expected to continue to rise
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- Category: Rare Earth News
- Published on Tuesday, 13 August 2013 15:03
Crackdown by Ganzhou Rare Earth private mining boost rare earth market rebounded sharply, praseodymium neodymium and other varieties of terbium dysprosium prices rose significantly. Among them, neodymium oxide, praseodymium prices since mid-June, the lowest 255,000 yuan / ton rebounded sharply to the current 335,000 yuan / ton, or about 31%; dysprosium prices since mid-June, the lowest 1,255,000 yuan / ton rebounded sharply to current 2,275,000 yuan / ton, or about 81%.
We believe that the recent dysprosium, represented by the heavy rare earth neodymium praseodymium rebound more than two main reasons: First, Ganzhou region is the world's main producers of heavy rare earth reserves and production accounts for more than 70% global share, compared to the terms of praseodymium neodymium , Ganzhou ore more private crackdown triggered heavy rare earth supply tightening expected; Second, the heavy rare earth greater early decline, making a stronger rebound kinetic energy, since the beginning of 2012 has been a drop of about 80%, praseodymium neodymium decrease of approximately 47% over the same period .
Ganzhou Rare Earth private mining operations crackdown is perhaps the only country of rare earth remediation work beginning with bedding, rare earth smuggling operations is expected to be extended to the whole country. It is understood that the Ministry intends to joint environmental department, customs, Ministry of Land Resources, Ministry of Commerce and other ministries to conduct nationwide Rare remediation work, the current regulation scheme has entered the stage countersigned by the various ministries.
First, according to the discussion of the program, the Ministry will hand inventory of illegal mining and smelting, and to increase the punishment; hand will be the banner of "deep processing" banner in the separation of rare earth mining and smelting enterprises in the new round of illegal verification , once discovered immediately shut down. Secondly, rare earth and rare earth mining special stamps will be combined with the mandatory plan, this threshold would not be illegal rare earth "bleaching."
In addition, the Ministry is preparing to promote the application of rare earth downstream market policy, "the overall development of rare earth resources and the application of strategic planning," plan is expected to release during the year, the industry is expected to improve the living environment.
As rare private Ore no environmental protection, taxation and other costs, ultra-low-cost sales have a tremendous impact on the market. In recent years, Chinese rare earth mining total control indicators are 93,800 tons; According to industry experts expect the private domestic rare earth minerals annually more than 100,000 tons of rare earth on behalf of private mining even more than the formal channels of supply controlling the total rare earth mining . On the other hand, the current global annual consumption of about 100,000 tons of rare earth, rare earth mining private cause a serious imbalance between supply and demand has become rare earth prices rebounded to suppress an important reason.
We believe that with the expansion of rare earth smuggling operations to the nation and the deepening of the private mining rare earths is expected to be effectively suppressed, the relationship between supply and demand is expected to be real improvements, downstream manufacturers and traders expected the middle of continued improvement is expected, and thus is expected to bring rare earth prices continue to rise.
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