Function of Titanium Ring

Titanium rings can be expensive, because the metal is so hard it requires quite a bit of a jeweler's time to work the material into a ring. An advantage, though, is that titanium is hypoallergenic, so even those with extremely sensitive skin and allergies can wear titanium jewelry without irritation.

Because of the metal's hardness, a rumor has circulated that titanium rings cannot be cut off in an emergency, which could result in losing fingers instead. This is not true; in fact, many jewelers that offer titanium jewelry have tested the product in-house to confirm they can cut through it with a separating disc and shaft tool, or a Dremel tool. Emergency personnel are typically equipped with the proper tools to remove the rings as well. Consider that a ring would only need to be removed this way if there were excessive weight gain or a major accident causing the metal to bend and painfully cut into the finger. This is more likely with other metals, since titanium is as strong as stainless steel.


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