Kirk VS Taylor 2014 UK Open Darts

Kirk VS Taylor 2014 UK open darts.

Tungsten Dart Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online –
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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Description of Soft Tip Darts

A light weight dart with a soft plastic point is thrown at a board consisting of a perforated plastic face. Each hole in the board is sized to fit the dart point and has beveled edges to facilitate entry of the point. A series of sensors and circuits behind the face of the dartboard note the impact and inform the central computer processor, which calculates and displays the score for the dart players to see.
Note: The score displayed by the dart machine usually cannot be corrected, and the common rule for league play is: "The machine is always right!"   At a soft-tip darts tournament: if a tournament official is notified before the next person throws any darts, it may be possible to correct a scoring error.

In 1999, the recommended maximum weight for soft tip darts was raised to 18 grams, for league and tournament play. The actual machines used in bars can accomodate darts up to 25 grams or more, without damage to the board. However, darts over 20 grams tend to break more tips, so their use is discouraged. Check with your local league to see if they enforce any weight limits, as some are quite strict, and other leagues may not care what you throw.


Tungsten Jewellery Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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Soft-Tip Type Electronic Dart Board Setup Measurements

The height of the Bullseye is the same as for both soft-tip and steel-tip dartboards: Height from floor to center of Bull, is 173 centimeters, or 5 feet, 8 inches.

However, Soft-Tip Darts is played from a throwing distance of 8 feet, measured along the floor from the plane of the face of the electronic dartboard.


Tungsten Jewellery Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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Throwing Tips & Habits to Avoid

There are a number of basics to keep in-mind, including several bad habits that you should avoid:

A steady Stance is very important. Don't lean way over the line to get closer to the board. This one is a tough habit for some people to beat, but try.. as leaning robs the darter of stability. The feet and legs should be positioned in a solid, comfortable, and relaxed stance, with weight distributed to both feet. Excessive leaning places nearly all of the body weight on one foot, tiring the shooter in long matches and damaging accuracy in the short run.
The few inches gained by leaning over the line are simply not worth the huge loss of balance and stability. Plus, leaning lowers the shoulder, forcing one to throw upwards, fighting gravity. Leaning also usually means tensing the major muscles of the body to preserve balance. This often results in a jerky release and poor follow-through, since the body is already off-balance.

A number of long-time players report back, knee, ankle, and foot pain, from spending many years standing on one foot while playing darts. Even in the short run, leaning to throw will cause minor pain in the small of the back. Especially for older players, a firm stance will stop this discomfort, both while playing and the next morning!

Think about it..

In what other sport would you drink a few beers, try to stand balanced "tiptoe" on one foot, and then try to consistently hit a small target with a sharp pointed object?
In EVERY competitive sport, Accuracy begins with a Solid Stance!

Keep your feet planted solidly on the floor, and avoid lunging, rocking, or lifting the back foot off the floor during the dart toss.

Leaning, or rocking, is often done in an attempt to get a harder throw. The dartboard really does not care how hard you throw the dart. The only important thing is how accurately you throw it.!

Even a light throw, if accompanied by a smooth and exteded follow-through, will easily reach the dart board and score.

Such wasted motion can really be a bad habit, as it affects the entire body and throw. Lifting the foot even partway from the floor deprives the body of good balance during the crucial moment of follow-through. The strength required to reach the board with any normal dart is minimal, and for best accuracy should be provided only by the fingers, wrist, and forearm. After the dart leaves your hand, let your hand and arm continue on towards the dartboard, ending with full extension, and the fingers pointing at the target.

Imagine that you are bowling.. after letting go of the ball, you still must follow-through! The same applies to Golf, Billiards, Basketball, and most every other sport. Follow-through after realeasing the dart, ending up with your fingers fully extended, as though touching the spot that you want to hit.

Missing the board or hitting too low often cause beginners to think that more power is needed. This is rarely true, as one can tell by the fact that the missed darts usually hit hard enough to stick in the wall, which is quite a bit harder than a bristle dartboard. The problem lies with the accuracy of the throw and follow through. Even small children can be taught to throw accurately without lunging or using the shoulders in a throw.

If you feel short of power, stand upright, and keep your elbow up. The upper arm should be approximately parallel to the ground. This allows you to bring your arm back further, without hitting yourself in the face with the dart!

Stand Straight, Elbow Up, and you will effectively double the power of your throw without any extra effort. For one thing, the dart is much higher than when leaning, so gravity does much of the work for you.


Tungsten Dart Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online –
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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Soft Flights

Soft Flights are made of a flexible plastic sheet, preprinted with a variety of designs and then folded into shape. Adhesive (glue) holds the layers of plastic together. If the flight is torn during use, the layers can be pressed together with fingers and the adhesive will "heal" the tear. Another benefit of this type of flight is that a Soft Flight will often flex out of the way if another dart hits it. These flights are available in hundreds of bright, attractive designs. Also known as "Reseal Flights".


Tungsten Dart Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online –
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
Tungsten & Molybdenum Information Bank:
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Similar Styles of Dart Shaft

DIMPLEX, RIBTEX, and other similar styles are actually hard flights which have been embossed with a texture. The bumpy or ribbed surface tends to stiffen the flight, which some darters consider desirable. The extra surface area also adds a small amount of drag to the flight, which makes the dart slightly more stable in some cases. The various embossed types of flights are generally a little harder to insert into a metal shaft, due to increased thickness. Use a dart tool or knife blade to gently spread open the slots at the back of the shaft.


Tungsten Dart Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online –
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
Tungsten & Molybdenum Information Bank:
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Nylon Flight

Nylon flight, made of ripstop nylon fabric, ar by far the most durable type of flight. These dart flights are are very hard to tear. The stiffness varies according to the weight and type of fabric used by the manufacturer, but is roughly midway between Soft and Hard flights. The most common point of wear with this flight is at the front, where it is inserted into the shaft. Since ripstop nylon fabric is a thicker material, it is important to pry open the slots on the shaft for a properly loose fit to avoid damage to the flight. Nylon Flights are available in solid colors and dozens of printed designs.


Tungsten Dart Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online –
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
Tungsten & Molybdenum Information Bank:
Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version:
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Hard Flight

Hard Flight  are made of a stiff polyester plastic that holds shape well. The layers are permanently sealed together by heat during manufacture. Because the plastic is harder, they don't tear as easily as Soft Flights... however if they do tear, they cannot be resealed and are ruined. Hard Flights do not flex like a Soft Flight when hit, but do "pop off" the shaft when hitting another dart. This is desirable as it reduces deflection and allows tight groups. Hard Flights were originally made of a clear plastic, which resulted in fairly dull colors in printed designs. During the last few years, Melinex, a type of opaque plastic, has been used for printing hundreds of brighter designs. Also known as "Poly Flights."


Tungsten Dart Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online –
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
Tungsten & Molybdenum Information Bank:
Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version:
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Rules to the Darts Game of '01

The game of '01 is the classic game of Darts, played world-wide. The "01" refers to the fact that the game is played from a certain number of points, always ending in "01". For example, the common tournament game of 501 (pronounced "Five-Oh-One"), is played from 501 points. Other variations are 301, 601, 801, 1001. The higher point games are usually played by teams.

The object of the game is simple... each player starts with the same score (501, for example) and the first to reduce his score to zero wins.

Players take turns throwing three darts each and subtract all points scored from their own beginning score (501). Each player removes his darts and marks his score before the opponent throws. Darts that bounce off or miss the board do not score and cannot be rethrown that turn.

The difficult part of the game lies in the finish, known as "going-out". To win, you must reach zero before your opponent, but you must also reach exactly zero, and the dart that brings the score down to zero must be a double. Doubles consist of the numbers in the outside narrow scoring band and the center (small) bullseye which counts as 50 points and is an actual double of the outer 25-point bull.

For instance, if you have 2 points left, you must hit a double-1 to bring the score down to zero. From 18 points, a double-9 would work. If you have an odd number left (a number that cannot be divided by 2), then darts must be thrown to reduce the score to an even number, before throwing at a double. For instance, there is no possible double out from 19, so a way to finish would be to throw a single-3 first, reducing the score to 16. The 16 can then be "taken-out" by throwing a double-8.

The games of 501, 601, 801, 1001, etc. are all played the same way, except for starting with more points. The game of 301 is different, however. Because of the potential for a very short game, 301 has an added difficulty...the game must start with a double. That is, each player must hit a double (any double) to start scoring. Each players scoring begins with the score of the first dart that hits a double.


Tungsten Dart Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online –
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
Tungsten & Molybdenum Information Bank:
Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version:
Molybdenum News & Molybdenum Price:

Dart Throw Skill

A player shall throw darts from a standing position, excepting only in those circumstances when a physical disability, or physical injury requires a player to adopt a non-standing position.

 All darts must be deliberately thrown, one at a time, by, and from, the player's hand.
All darts must be thrown with the needlepoint aimed towards the face of the dartboard.
If a dart is not thrown in this manner then the ‘throw' will be declared a ‘foul throw' and
will not count in that respective leg, set, or match.

 A throw must consist of a maximum of ‘three darts', unless a leg, set, or match is completed in less than ‘three darts'.

 If a player ‘touches' any dart, which is in the dartboard, during a throw, then that throw shall be deemed to have been completed.Any dart bouncing off, or falling out of, the dartboard, does not count, and shall not be re-thrown.

A player deliberately abusing the dartboard when retrieving darts at the end of a throw will be given a verbal
warning by the match referee. Another warning will be given to the player if a second incident occurs in the
same match. If a third incident occurs in the same match then the player in question will forfeit that
respective leg, and possibly the match in question.”


Tungsten Dart Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online –
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
Tungsten & Molybdenum Information Bank:
Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version:
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