Rare Earth Industry is Stocking Up

In February 2013, China's rare earth exports 1106 tons, greatly increased 289.12% on last year, while in the same time, the rare earth prices have seen a sharp fell comparably. Some experts believe that the significant increase in the exports of rare earth is owing to the low base of last year same period. It is showed from the statistics that rare earth prices in February amounts to $22,650/ton, down 11.32% with last month of $25,540/ton .

Generally speaking, the rare earth companies have filled in its inventory in advance, in order to better prepare its peak selling season in March. It has been informed that, Baotou Steel Rare Earth, which has discontinued its production for four consecutive months, has announced its resume of production, while at the same time, the company has began to use the materials form domestic companies in North China.

GF Securities analyst Guoxian Ju said, With the peak production season in March and April, the rare earth concentrate prices has been stable for almost 2 months. However, the slightly decrease in the price of midstream smelting products has showed the demand is still under depression.

Rare Earth Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online - http://www.chinatungsten.com
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
Email: sales@chinatungsten.com
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