Rare Earth Market Traded Weaker

Monday rare earth market is still deserted, traders slightly mobilize quotes, concentrated in the lanthanum, cerium, gadolinium. Most cargo operators who offer more stable.

Market quote a higher degree is still concentrated in the oxide, gadolinium oxide, praseodymium, neodymium, addition some traders Alerts cheap gadolinia, market inquiries and turnover of other oxides are weak. Insiders reflect gadolinium oxide is a tax 140,000 yuan / ton, there are many traders very price including tax 150,000 yuan / ton. Praseodymium neodymium oxide market tax price is still $ 31-32 million / ton, excluding tax 26.3-26.5 yuan / ton. The lanthanum cerium-based oxide prices are still down 39 lanthanum oxide tax 3.6-3.8 yuan / ton, 395 cerium oxide tax of 3.5-4 yuan / ton offer both. Lanthanum cerium metal offer more stable, Baotou traders tax offer 60,000 yuan / ton, the Ganzhou traders offer slightly higher.


Rare Earth Supplier: Chinatungsten Online - http://www.chinatungsten.com
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
Email: sales@chinatungsten.com
Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version: http://3g.chinatungsten.com
Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, WML Version: http://m.chinatungsten.com


