Rare earth resource tax reform to start businesses to wait and see

From May 1, 2015, the rare earths, tungsten, molybdenum resource tax amount levied by the change from ad valorem, and in accordance with the principle of no increase in the corporate tax rate be reasonably determined. Today, the past two weeks, reflecting the industry's point of view, the affected market supply and demand, the effect of the current tax reform has not been fully released, enterprises are facing the pressure is still large.

Rare earth resources tax to push the guide price

The tax reform is the second after January 1 rare earth export quotas, export duties and rare cancellation policy while another heavy news started. Tax reform policy announced 10 working days, Ganzhou Rare Earth Industry Association officially on May 11 will guide ionic rare earth ore price increases of 10,000 yuan / ton, 17-19 yuan / ton.

For changes in costs, assistant general manager of the rare earth industry group Guangdong Province Hu Xun Chang calculations: "In the south of mixed rare earth price of 120,000 yuan / ton, for example, the resource tax reform before tax 22,500 yuan / ton, plus mineral compensation (120,000 yuan / ton * 0.04 = 4800 yuan / ton), a total of 27,300 yuan / ton after the tax reform, the first mineral compensation canceled, actual resource tax of 120,000 yuan / ton * 0.27 = 32,400 yuan / increase in tons better when the market price once the rise, resource tax rate will actually paid proportionally, the cost will certainly be higher than the market downturn when. "

How has signed a contract for the implementation of tax reform policies of rare earth products, the Deputy Secretary-General Chen Zhanheng China Rare Earth Industry Association, said: "In accordance with this resource tax adjustment document, has signed the contract is not part of the implementation of the required resources to pursue the new tax, this Before taxes are calculated according to the new standard rate of VAT calculation. "

The market turnover is still under pressure

Ganzhou rare earth separating a responsible person said, dysprosium current price of 161-162 yuan / ton, but in fact the purchase cost of 170 yuan / ton or more, downstream from the oxide material are basically at a loss.

This cost price inversion condition leads the market traded flat, Deputy Secretary-General Chen Zhanheng China Rare Earth Industry Association, said: "The current market is a buyer's market of rare earth enterprises to inventory pressure is relatively large, but many companies have been losing money, the transaction situation is more stalemate. "

The future is expected to stabilize rare earth prices rise

For the current production of rare earth enterprises operating conditions, some of Ganzhou rare earth separating enterprises responsible person said, has been a part of the downstream business was discontinued, there are some enterprises in preparing product transformation. Indeed, through the 2011 prices rose after a sharp expansion of production capacity, significantly more than the market demands, the market needs to go through a brutal phase-out period to recover gradually achieve a balance.

In reference to the reaction of rare earth downstream tax reform, Chen Zhanheng said the price reflects the impact of changes in the cost of rare earth resource tax reform will NdFeB production enterprises enterprise required praseodymium, neodymium, terbium, dysprosium and other varieties, the implementation of new resources tax, no increase of prices of these products, but there is a slight downward.

According 陈占恒 introduced after the abolition of tariffs, should be canceled before export prices are decreased, and keep pace with domestic prices. After the implementation of the new resource tax, the domestic rare earth market, but the recent price decline, it is still rare excess capacity, due to lack of downstream demand. After the fight with the effective implementation of the illegal exploitation of and total control program, a large group of deepening integration, the rare earth companies destocking is complete, it is expected to stabilize rare earth prices rise.

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