Ministry intends to amend the relevant laws and regulations of rare earth

Export of raw materials and other measures Disputes in the WTO against China's rare earth. Reporters just learned that in order to cope with the change of rare earth export situation next year, the next stage, the Ministry will promptly revise and improve relevant policies and regulations and management measures.

These include: promoting the early introduction of rare regulations; revise and improve instruction and rare earth rare earth management approach; the establishment of rare earth products traceability system; for LREE of category management, to crack down on illegal rare earth production, meanwhile, continue to adjust and a corresponding increase in light RE targets; increase resource tax South ionic rare earth.

According to the China Nonferrous Metals Association data, global economic growth, lack of motivation, the impact of declining domestic economic growth and other factors, the downward trend appears rare earth market demand, prices fall resulting in enterprise efficiency decline, production and management faced with many difficulties. 1 to August, more than 190 nationwide scale rare earth mining, smelting enterprises realized profits of 2.5 billion yuan, down 24.6%; exports of $ 1 billion of rare earth products, down 0.7%. At the same time, the rise of illegal production signs appear; these uncertainties are so rare earth industry is facing new challenges.

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