China Rare Earth was cheap overseas strategy has failed

Dated 27 March 2014, the United States, European Union, Japan against China rare earths, tungsten, molybdenum export restrictions, China has put forward "to protect the environment," the very Western way of saying to the defense, the WTO ruled that China eventually lost. Japanese media commented that "China's strategy of complete failure."

Indeed, the Chinese rare earth export restrictions has once again been cut violations, gave great good Europe and other countries, as a entry point, China's exports of strategic resources management system may face shocks.

In accordance with the usual Western view, the development of high-tech rare earth is a strategic resource indispensable, from smartphones to missile guidance are inseparable from the "industrial vitamins." But over the years, China has to account for only 23 percent of the world's total reserves reserve supply 95% of the world's rare earth production, not only the low price was like "selling gold potatoes price", there is a huge environmental cost to pay.

Can be found in China's rare earth resources are cheap to Japan and the United States. And when China began to realize that the problem is serious rare earth export restrictions, the United States and Japan has shown impatience after another to say "no."

"Rare Earth science and technology once used for military, military science and technology will inevitably bring jumped." Eleventh National People's Congress, Zhou Hongyu, deputy director of Hubei Provincial People's Congress, said in his motion, "In a certain sense, the US military in the post-Cold War several local war can be overwhelming control, and the ability to openly killing the enemy with impunity, is due to science and technology in the field of rare earth takes the cake. "

"The Middle East has oil, China has rare earths, China's rare earth resources account for 80% of the world's known reserves, its status can be compared with the Middle East's oil, has an extremely important strategic significance, must take the rare things well, the advantage of China's rare earth play out. "this is 1992 Deng Xiaoping's" Southern Talk "in some speech against China's rare earth resources.

But contrast, in quite a long time, China's general awareness of rare earth mineral resources remain in the general perception of equal treatment, the export is one of its main tasks. From the early 90s of last century, the cheaper Chinese-made rare earth step by step erode the market share Mans 登帕斯 mine, but also to the rare earth ore prices since 1992 fell to $ 11,700 per ton of $ 7,430 in 1996.

Subsequently, China with its own resources and reduce the exploitation of Europe and the scale of the machine, became the world's largest rare earth mining and exporting countries. According to the US Geological Survey Minerals Summary Annual Report 2007 published statistics, China's rare earth mineral reserves first in the world, accounting for more than 90% of rare earth annual world's rare earth production, total exports accounted for 80% of the world.

But even in this world behind the scenery, hidden with a little embarrassment. Since the mining of rare earth ore into a herd of chaos, resulting in a large number of rare earth resources have been ruined, destroyed, and cheap, the vast majority of exports are not rolling, forging or only by simple processing of primary products, in exchange for money outweigh the benefits.

"Before and after September 2008, with a purity of 99.9% cerium oxide for 18 yuan kg, while the highest sold for 30 yuan kg the past," Dong Hua Sen said, "high-tech electronics, lasers, communications, superconducting materials such as rare earths are needed, but China's rare earth prices have not gone up, you can not own pricing, at a disadvantage. "

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