RE illegal strike action to good effect, rare earth prices are expected to usher in reverse

Ministry of Industry recently released "Letter on the fight against organized illegal acts rare special action" clearly, since October 10, 2014 to March 31, 2015 to carry out special operations to combat rare nationwide illegal behavior. Action will be divided into three phases: October 10 to November 25 for self-examination stage, November 26 to January 31, 2015 for the rectification stage in 2015, February 1 to March 31 for acceptance summary stage. This action will jointly investigate rare earth mining, production, illegal exploitation of distribution companies, the sale of illegal minerals processing, tax evasion charges, billing and other illegal products off-site behavior, we should focus on priority areas investigated 2- rare earth based on invoices and reports and other clues three typical cases.

Round action to combat illegal rare earth lasted nearly six months, compared with 2013 to double the duration of the special action, and a clear plan of corrective action period, and extended the acceptance period summed up to two months. Verification mining, production, circulation, based on a clear round action included in the scope of verification will be exported, required by the production chain, verifiable sources of rare earth export their products until the mineral source.

The action is focused on the recovery of a major highlight of the mining of rare earth enterprises fully paid VAT, tax and mineral resources compensation fees, sewage fees, taxes and fees. This initiative is expected to resolve the long-standing problem of illegal illegal production of low-cost; another highlight of this action is to establish a rare earth production and business files, provide the basis for the daily management of the future of the industry.

Analysts pointed out that, according to the multi-party statistics, illegal mining Daowa accounted for more than 22.7% of the world's total supply of rare earths, is the direct cause of the proliferation of supply. If this illegal action to combat rare achieved good results, will significantly shrink the supply and repair of great supply and demand, thereby supporting the long-term upward price. Since 2014 RE prices tumbled, has been in the bottom position, the end of this time point action combined with the rare earth consumption season, it is expected that the recent rare earth prices are expected to bottom out, after the end of action is expected to occur rare earth prices rose significantly.


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