Experts say the rare hitting little effect due to the impact of local interests

Despite China's continued fight against rare black industry chain, but the current price slump rare phenomenon has not been significantly improved. An unnamed rare earth industry experts said on Monday that many ministries to promote RE hitting on reforming trade order is good, but did not see the industry effectively improved, in fact, strong accountability to combat rare black chain composed of local interest impact on local only negative with heart reluctant.

Since the second half, the Ministry reiterated to focus on the fight against black interests of the chain of illegal production of rare earth behind, and in the whole society launched a Reward black production activities around the rare earth invoices, commercial administrative departments to strengthen auditing and accelerate rare earth mine fence construction, with the judiciary to crack down on illegal mining and processing aspects of behavior, launch parties unified action.

Inspector of the Ministry of Industry and Raw Materials Division, National Office Director Jia Yinsong RE has said that this year's focus on the implementation of the accountability system of rare earth hitting, the intensity will be greater than in previous years.

At present, anti-smuggling across the rare earth has gradually expanded, Guangdong, Hunan, Jiangxi and other provinces have been investigated more than rare cases of irregularities. According to published news reports, the cumulative investigate suspected violations of about 7,000 tons of rare earth.

Jiangsu Rare Earth Industry Association, an expert on the great wisdom news agency said that at present there is no rare hitting aspects of Jiangsu Province message.

Jiangsu, Jiangxi and more companies and industry associations insiders of great wisdom news agency said that although anti gradually, but companies are still "no direction", remained weak end demand for rare earths.

Compared with the rare earth industry, rampant black South China Light Baotou Rare Earth Resources relatively concentrated market conditions are improving. Rare-Earth Day executives Zhang Hui September 26 exchange activities among investors, said the recent rare black production problems have eased significantly.

With rare hitting, the formation of large groups, such as rare earth force policy portfolio, as well as downstream businesses replenishment demand is expected, rare earth prices are expected to bottom out, light rare earths is expected to take the lead in presenting "volume and price go" situation, but the turning point when there is no clear signal.


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