RE bad short-term price is difficult to boost demand

Today, the majority of the rare earth market prices low steady, the market was light. Because many businesses that trend this year compared to previous years is very rare dull, although the market is poor, low price, still hoping before the end of the industry can be a big turn bring prices increased significantly. Although with standardized and improved market supply of rare earth materials, rare earth prices are expected to post steady rise, but at least for now, the market still shows weakness related applications, rare earth raw material prices continue to place downward pressure shocks or still great.

Now for some upside profit businesses offer a smooth generally choose to wait and see in terms of the market. After some companies now understand that in recent years the country has been in the promotion of new production processes, but also unable to fully promote the short term, but once the market application, the short term will increase production costs, prices still have a chance.

Market transactions, according to some traders said the recent Ganzhou region out of the 10 tons of lanthanum, cerium metal, the price has dropped to 32,000 yuan without a ticket / ton. Other stock products such as cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, europium oxide, etc., are not large volume. According to Jiangxi, Shanghai and other places of suppliers said that the recent sluggishness, europium oxide, yttrium oxide poor market, shipping difficulties, such as yttria offer 40,000 somethings still well out of the market without europium oxide ticket prices fell to about 2100 yuan / kg, such a low price is still untold has bottomed.

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