Ganzhou Rare Earth strengthen the development and utilization of integrated pilot, implementation supervision and management

In order to better promote the development and utilization of RE integrated pilot work, Ganzhou has recently introduced measures to further strengthen the supervision and management of the project implementation.

First, strengthen organization and leadership. Prospective evaluation of rare earth projects around the rare earth utilization projects, rare earth mine geological environment governance and large geological disaster prevention projects, supervise the implementation of the project implementation and technical support work, to further clarify the project location (county, city, district) people's government, the main project units, project implementation oversight group, Ganzhou rare Earth Mining Co., the division of responsibilities project technical support expert groups.

Second is to strengthen project management. Around the project budget and final accounts, capital assets, procurement and outsourcing of work put forward specific requirements. Adjust the project budget should be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the approval, the annual project task is completed, the project implementation of the main unit should prepare a project report on the accounts and by the implementation of the project to review by the Office of the Leading Group in accordance with relevant regulations. Project implementation unit should establish a special financial accounting, assurance earmarking. The project implementation process auxiliary work content required entrust other units assumed, must project implementation work leading group office for approval.

The third is to strengthen project oversight. Implement a monthly schedule, quarterly inspection, project management year-end assessment, requiring the pilot project implementation units work according to the annual overall goal of the task, project timing schedule to determine the period of the task, the monthly progress of the work, there is a problem and the next step implementation of the project work plan in writing to the Office of the Leading Group report, the Office of the Leading Group on the principle of scheduling will be held once a month to ensure the progress of the project. At the same time called for the strengthening project publicity, and people take the initiative to accept social supervision, strengthening oversight of construction, the implementation of technical guidance, strict inspection management, records management, improve the system, clear reporting matters and other matters important content.

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