Rare earth export volume drop in price rise will continue in Japan Rare Earth Game

According to customs statistics, in the first half of 6835 tons of rare earth exports Tianjin Port, over the previous year (the same below) increased 34.6%; worth 410 million yuan, down 18.4%; average export price of 60,000 yuan per ton, down 39.4%.

A first half of the main features of Tianjin Port exports of rare earths

(A) general trade export-oriented. Tianjin Port in the first half of the general trade export of rare earth 6,788 tons, an increase of 34% over the same period accounted for 99.3 percent of total exports of rare earths in Tianjin Port.

(B) State-owned enterprises as the main export of private enterprises is growing rapidly. First half of the state-owned enterprises in Tianjin Port 3868 tons of rare earth exports, increased 42.6 percent, accounting for 56.6% of total exports over the same period China's rare earth.

(Three) are mainly exported to the United States and Japan. The first half of this year, exports of rare earths to the United States in Tianjin Port 3030 tons, an increase of 30%; exports to Japan 2,596 tons, an increase of 93.4%. Both together accounted for 82.3% over the same period in Tianjin Port's total exports of rare earths.

Second, the recent drop in price of Tianjin Port mainly due to increase in volume of rare earth exports

(A) high-tech fields of rare earth rare earth materials to popularize drive demand growth. RE is an important strategic resource, the "industrial MSG", "mother of the new material," said the high-tech industry advanced equipment manufacturing, new energy, new industries and other essential raw materials. With the rapid growth of the world's new energy and environmental protection industry, the demand for rare earth products also showed a significant upward trend. As the world's major economies economy recovers, demand for rare earth products in the application of hybrid vehicles, wind turbines and energy-saving lamps and other environmentally friendly products will continue to pick up, and a substantial increase, while rare earth products play a role in environmental technology will also be more important, the demand for increasingly strong. In the upgrading of traditional automobile industries, the core components of electric vehicles - motor vehicle will also be a large number of application of rare earth materials. With the new energy vehicle development triggered a new round of industrial restructuring, will drive the rapid development of rare earth functional materials. China's rare earth production accounts for 95% of world production, strong demand for rare earth high-tech fields, resulting in China's rare earth exports continued to increase.

(B) the price of domestic disorderly exploitation and lack of voice of rare earth export prices led to lower long-term operation. On the one hand, as the first rare earth producer and exporter countries, the development of China's rare earth market is very confusing. Since the 1980s, China began large-scale mining and processing of rare earth, many illegal mining enterprises, competing prices down resulting in domestic rare earth mining serious excess capacity, causing serious waste of resources and ecological damage. Domestic disorderly competition makes it the "industrial gold," said rare earth prices continue to fall. On the other hand the lack of rare earth industry price discourse leading to the decline in exports. As a major importer of rare earth in Japan and other countries already have 20 years of rare earth reserves; has the largest rare earth resources in Western countries the United States, a large number of rare earth resources in order to protect their sealed mines, banned exports of rare earths. Western countries for the protection of rare earth resources, these countries had no resources instead have a rare earth pricing, especially neodymium oxide, terbium oxide, dysprosium, europium oxide price has long been controlled by foreign businessmen, foreign traders in low purchase a large amount of rare earth product prices, then stop when prices purchase, use inventory, to be re-purchased when prices again. Above lead to the sale of domestic companies competing prices, resulting in China's rare earth export prices have been low.

Third, issues of concern

(A) containing rare earth mining risks, short-term difficult to achieve cleaner production. February 13, 2014, the Ministry issued "on the issuance of the rare earth industry clean production technology to implement the program," which clearly called for speeding up key sectors of advanced clean production technology and marketing, improve the industry clean production level, dramatically reducing pollutant emissions, and the states of cleaner production technologies as energy saving, clean production, recycling economy and other financial guidance financial support focus. This means that countries improve the production capacity of rare earth industry norms and safe and clean production requirements. At present, China Southern ionic heavy rare earth mine commonly used in situ leaching process development of rare earth, easy to destroy mine geological structure, triggering landslides. Meanwhile, due to flawed mine design, part of the chemicals used in the extraction of rare earth leakage risks also exist during the process of recycling used in high-risk chemicals also increase the risk of personnel and increased environmental damage. Although the state and environmental indicators using hair under quota constraints and norms, but because of a lack of financial and technical support enterprises to realize clean production of short-term difficult to achieve.

(B) the downstream application industries concentrated in the low end, the lack of core competitiveness. At present, China's rare earth industry 85% for the traditional areas of metallurgy, machinery, petrochemical, glass, ceramics, etc., only 13% for the high-tech field of new materials, and the highest value-added products in the terminal application, almost mastered the core technology in the hands of foreign companies. Due to the enormous profit potential of rare earth industry, the United States and other developed countries at the same time holding the price of the right to speak, but also clenched authorize its patented technology of rare earth products, restricting the transfer and development of high-end chain. In NdFeB example, belong to the rare earth NdFeB high-end materials, and a wide range of applications. NdFeB our country has nearly 200 enterprises, the annual output reached 1,000 tons, more than 20, but currently uses only Japanese NdFeB Boeing aircraft. Due to the lack of intellectual property rights, China's only mining, smelting and separation of rare earth primary products, not only low value-added, the bargaining space is small and serious environmental pollution; imported from developed countries after deep processing of primary products, prices and profits to grow geometrically. Due to the application of domestic enterprises lack the core technology, so China's rare earth export of rare earth primary products always difficult to break the pattern.

(C) tightening of rare earth exports of rare earths in the game will continue. While China's rare earth reserves, the largest scale, and is the world's largest producer and exporter, but we have no voice and pricing in the global market. With the growing awareness of the importance of rare earth, China since 2006 has gradually decreased since exports of rare earths and slashed rare earth export volume this year, which triggered a rare battle, especially from imports of rare earths from our country, including United States and Japan. Japan chose open conflict with our problems in terms of rare earths, and also looking for strategic partners to ensure the supply of rare earth, rare earth elements and to seek alternatives. Currently, the Japanese government decided to cooperate with Vietnam to develop rare earth resources in order to get rid of excessive dependence on imports of rare earth in China. Japan, as the rare earth materials using the most adequate national, rare earths are widely used in computers, mobile phones and low carbon automotive and other fields, China's rare earth exports to Japan to tighten the pressure greater. While Japan actively seeking other sources to reduce dependence on China, but China is a rare superpower, the impact on Japan is still significant, the Japanese rare game will continue.

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