MAGNETICS 2013 Addresses Rare Earth Supply Chain Issues

GREENWOOD VILLAGE, Colo. — Magnetics 2013 has announced an industry-leading line-up of magnetics experts who will be addressing current market conditions and what's ahead for end-users and the magnetics industry in the years to come. There are rising concerns over cost and foreign control of the current supply of rare earth resources, which has motivated a search for new sources outside of China and for non-rare earth permanent magnets. Magnetics 2013, taking place February 7-8 in Orlando, Fla., will address rare earth (RE) supply chain issues, permanent magnet (PM) alternatives and RE-free magnet options for motor applications, the latest in magnetic materials R&D from leading National Laboratories, and the latest advancements in design and testing.

“The area of rare earths has been a hot topic for the last couple of years. This year’s line up at Magnetics 2013 offers our most diverse coverage to date of the rare earths crisis including supply and demand as well as PM alternatives,” said Heather Krier, conference program manager and editor of Magnetics Business & Technology magazine. “This is a once-a-year opportunity for professionals involved in magnetics technologies to not only get the latest information on the global issues of rare earths, but to learn the latest advancements in magnetic applications, technology and materials.”

Magnetics 2013 is offering informative pre-conference workshops on February 6th to complement its in-depth conference program. The workshops, which have limited seating to ensure each attendee receives individual attention, will sell out.

The conference offers new low rates until January 10th. Special discounts for OEMs are also available.

Magnetics 2013 is co-located with Motor & Drive Systems 2013.


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