How deep processing of applications of rare earth industry collapsed?

REE as a modern industrial indispensable strategic resource, is widely used in the new energy, new materials, environmental protection, aerospace, electronics and information and other fields. However, the current structural contradictions of China's rare earth demand and increased capacity between rare earth market weakness. China's rare earth export policy to make major adjustments in 2015, the Commerce Department released "2015 list of goods export license management", formally abolished export quotas of rare earth export management to perform an export license, which gives the development of rare earth industry has brought new challenges.

First, the development of rare earth industry is facing difficulties

(A) does not match the rare earth production, exports and strategic resource locator. China's rare earth reserves are abundant, but the lower the per capita amount of resources.

According to the State Department announced in 2012, "China's rare earth Conditions and Policies," 23% of the white paper, China's rare earth reserves of the world's total reserves, the largest rare earth resources in the country. But a measure of the extent of the resource-rich standards, in addition to the total reserves, to better reflect the standard of authenticity is the amount of resources per capita. China's per capita amount of rare earth resources is only 1.06, less than 1/8 of the United States, only reached the world average.

Irrational structure of China's rare earth export smuggling seriously. All along, about 60 percent of China's rare earth production base for export, more than 75% of exports for the rare earth oxides and other primary products, China is the world's rare earth materials library. In China's rare earth exports in Japan, the United States, the European Union into three major countries and regions. Affected by multiple factors such as domestic and external demand, China's rare earth export smuggling is serious. Rare earth export quotas cancellation will further increase the export volume of China's rare earth, rare earth industry management which also brought new challenges.

(B) the rare earth industry, serious structural problem of excess capacity

Rare Earth Functional Materials commodity overcapacity. First, the primary processing of low-end products leads to overcapacity. China's production of rare earth processing products are mainly concentrated in permanent magnetic materials, luminescent materials, hydrogen storage materials and polishing powder in the low end, the majority of high-end materials still need to be imported for domestic use. Second place everywhere rare earth industry park planning and construction of aggravated disorderly repeat Rare Earth Functional Materials primary products further excess production capacity. At present, China has built 19 rare earth industrial park, there are more in the planning construction. Third, the high price of rare earth rare earth prompted users to find alternative products and alternative technologies, but also drastically reduced the demand for low-end rare earth functional materials.

(C) lack of rare earth industry chain extension

Surplus of low-end products, the lack of high-end products. Subject to the level of foreign patents and domestic R & D and technology, China's development of new materials in the rare earth and rare earth terminal applications is clearly insufficient. Foreign markets patented technical barriers limiting the development and application of rare earth new materials, making high-end material production technology and foreign technology, there are some gaps. The reason of insufficient development of rare earth deep processing is mainly reflected in three aspects: the lack of advanced core technologies; domestic rare earth functional materials and application of rare earth products consumption is inadequate; industrial development, there are still problems.

Second, the deep processing of the application is the key to get rid of the plight of the rare earth industry

(A) to accelerate the application of deep processing of rare earth resources in favor of the protection of rare earths

Rare earth industry to promote the extension of downstream applications, one can effectively change the rare corporate profits and private resources to pursue dug Luancai phenomenon, reduce the impact of rare earth mining and smelting and separation on human health and the environment, reduce environmental costs and help effective protection and rational utilization of rare earth resources; on the other hand, you can further enhance the added value of rare earth resources, increase business revenue.

(Ii) accelerate the rare earth deep-processing applications will help alleviate overcapacity

Promote the application of rare earth deep processing, one can reduce the overcapacity problem of rare earth elements, such as rare earth catalyst needed oil industry, the demand for rare earth elements such as lanthanum, cerium large, and increasing rare earth catalysts in the petroleum industry, can further improve the current production has excess consumption of lanthanum, cerium, rare earth consumption structure optimization. On the other hand, differences in the development of downstream applications by industry, but also effectively solve the rare earth industry park planning similar situation led to overcapacity.

(C) to accelerate the application of rare earth deep processing and promoting industrial upgrading

Processing and application of rare earth products refers to products on the basis of raw materials through separation or further processing of rare earth products, as well as products with unique features and components of rare earth deep processing products manufactured by the formation. Deep processing of rare earth industry to accelerate its applications development, further promote the extension and upgrading of the rare earth industry chain and promote the development of the middle reaches of the following tour application materials development, and promote the extension of rare earth industry chain to the ends of the curve with a high added value of a smile.

Third, promote deep processing of rare earth industry proposal applications

(A) Enhanced capacity coupled with the development of related industries

As a long-chain industry, rare earth materials industry generally regarded as intermediate inputs, the size of the demand largely depends on the degree of development of downstream end-use markets. In view of this, we must do the work of the following two aspects. First, enhance the ability of rare earth industry coupled with the development of strategic emerging industries. Second is the use of existing military technology advantage of new materials, promote the application of rare earth in the field of national defense. Increase research and development in the field of rare earth magnetic refrigeration and other new super-magnetostrictive material, to develop nuclear radiation shielding, high performance night vision and other military applications, rare earth materials play an important strategy in the field of national defense missiles, radar, nuclear reactions, etc. effect.

(B) the strengthening of new materials and high-end applications in the field of technological innovation

One is to encourage enterprises and research institutes to quickly follow up, the introduction of foreign mature rare new functional materials and application technology, and strive to high-performance rare earth magnetic materials, LED fluorescent materials, petroleum cracking catalyst material breakthroughs and innovation, research and development have Novel Rare Earth Functional Materials own intellectual property rights and related technologies as early as possible landing industrialization. Second, the research and development of new applications of rare earth element rich lanthanum, cerium and yttrium, increasing affluence of elements used in metallurgy, agriculture and environmental protection and other fields, to solve the problem of uneven application as possible. Third, increase the production of rare earth related equipment research and development efforts to break the bottleneck of rare earth functional materials production of key technology and equipment, improve product quality.

(C) intensify policy support

Guide the development of deep processing of rare earth industry to play an active role in various sectors, especially in downstream applications management, policy work together to promote comprehensive development of the industry. The rare earth deep-processing applications included encouraging the development of the directory, and the production of the corresponding products, the company offers financial support; tilt establish related research and development funds and key projects to rare earth deep-processing applications; local governments should pay attention to the ground to implement the rare earth deep processing projects; RE Industry associations should cooperate with relevant departments to do technical feasibility studies, project assessment and policy advice, etc., to support enterprises to carry out research and development, industrialization and application of rare earth deep-processing applications.

(D) encourage RE enterprise groups to improve the level of vertical integration

Encouraged to have large rare earth resources enterprise groups to improve the level of vertical integration, and R & D institutions and universities to actively cooperate vigorously develop the deep processing and comprehensive utilization of technology, using its own capital and technology, promote scientific and technological achievements with independent intellectual property rights industrialization. Meanwhile, business groups actively encourage RE extends downstream to increase cooperation with the application side of efforts to expand the applications of rare earth downstream.

(Five) complete the construction of the intellectual property system for rare earths

First, strengthen capacity building of intellectual property rights. System into the evaluation system of intellectual property rights, the establishment of the intellectual property system to consider, in promoting the process of consolidation and reorganization of rare earth comprehensive intellectual property risk assessment of key enterprises. The second is to encourage and support the Rare Earth Functional Materials companies and research institutes, colleges and universities to cooperate. Establish cooperation mechanisms for the development of high-performance rare earth functional materials and key technologies common technology equipment industries, enhance R & D and innovation, by supporting all aspects of finance, tax incentives to encourage enterprises to break the existing RE core patent restrictions as soon as possible as soon as possible to master the intellectual property rights. Third, the rare earth industry to build the intellectual property of public service platform to provide patent retrieval, analysis and warning service, master the international status quo and development trend of technology, the market demand, provide the information base for intellectual property management and services.

Rare Earth Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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RE market as a whole held steady, small adjustments of individual products

RE market as a whole held steady today, individual product prices minor adjustments, there is a business to reflect the price of dysprosium pullback over the weekend 99.9% purity dysprosium transaction price 1.72 million yuan / ton, while the price of dysprosium now at around 1.74 million. According to a trader in Shanghai said that now dysprosium offer 1.72 million yuan / ton.

Currently praseodymium, neodymium, europium, terbium market was light, according to the supplier of Ganzhou, praseodymium, neodymium yesterday just slightly lower today offer temporary steady downstream NdFeB enterprises that although nearly a month raw material price fluctuations, but NdFeB product price volatility is relatively small, low transaction price. Europium, terbium oxide market vendors offer steady or slightly down 50-100 yuan / kg, investors continue to be weak or run.

Currently the downstream portion of magnesium alloy, said processors offer low steady, or slightly slight increase, but the magnitude is not obvious, the companies have not had the prices reflect this line as before, and less and less profit, to do this business people are less and less, the recent increase in labor costs due to a slight increase slightly 50-100 yuan / ton, but will not bring real change to make a profit.

Rare Earth Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version:

4 illegal exploitation of rare earth, more than 11 tons of rare earth is destroyed

Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Department announced on the 6th 4 from environmental pollution case to the public. It is understood that, recently, Jiangxi public security organs cracked several cases of continuous environmental pollution cases, suspects were arrested 46 people, 23 were under criminal detention, arrest 16 people, 10 people have been prosecuted effectively curb environmental pollution and high crime rampant momentum.

High security: phenolic wastewater dumping refinery pollution

January 1, 2015, GAOAN Public Security Brigade received the Environmental Protection Agency GAOAN transfer of cases: about December 26, 2014 to December 29, 2014, in the town of sand Gao'an standings village find someone to paint the mountain village in a puddle of water, illegal dumping of phenol in larger quantities, cause environmental pollution.

The investigation, in December 2014 late in the day, at home in the mountains of sand hanging standings paint a refinery boss Huang Moumou suspects ordered the employees Gong Moumou arrangements, with the factory paint Dragon trucks to its plant phenolic wastewater dumped into an abandoned pit house paint bread Yamauchi. So Gong Moumou suspects, paint certain phenolic wastewater dumped twice the paint in the home of an abandoned pit mountain bread inside. In the afternoon Gong Moumou, paint certain phenolic wastewater dumped into the pit at home Mantoushan paint, lacquer village two villagers were discovered and stopped, the phenolic wastewater dumped about 2-3 tons. In the morning, the first phenolic wastewater dumped after two or three days later, Gong Moumou, paint certain phenolic wastewater dumped within two ED abandoned pit house paint Mantoushan 5-6 tons. In this regard, the suspect Gong Moumou, paint certain confessed.

Yongfeng: Building Materials Factory Daowa carbonaceous shale 4863.96 tons

March 2, 2015, Yongfeng County Public Security Brigade received regulatory authorities to transfer the case, said: Yongfeng Fujita Dragon without obtaining building materials plant in the "mining license", and unauthorized village near the vine Tian Zhenxing mountain Daowa carbonaceous shale, carbonaceous shale by the number of Jiangxi Nuclear Industry Geological Bureau of sixty-three Brigade measurements illegal mining of 4863.96 tons, worth more than 20 million.

Identified: 2012 start suspects Huang Mouping, Huangmou Yong, Huang Mouyong, Hwang four in Yongfeng Village opened vine Tian Zhenxing Dragon building materials plant began production in August 2013. Since the building materials factory production, the suspect Huang Mouping, Huang Mouyong digging machine with illegal mining in the nearby mountains carbonaceous shale brick bricks for their own use, by the Jiangxi Provincial Geological Bureau of Nuclear Industry Brigade measuring sixty-three carbonaceous shale 4863.96 tons of illegal mining, illegal profits of 153,010 yuan.

March 6, 2015, the Public Security Bureau investigation Yongfeng, March 9, the suspect Huangmou Ping, Huang Mouyong was established as online fugitives, after police investigators unremitting efforts, March 24, the suspect people Huangmou Ping, Huang Mouyong was arrested and was under criminal detention.

Chonnam: 4 people cause more than 11 tons of illegal mining of rare earth is destroyed

January 26, 2015, the whole County Public Security Battalion transferred by Quannan Mineral Resources Authority of cases, destroyed an illegal mining dens, Zhong Moumou suspects were arrested, Song Moumou and others. January 26, 2015, the whole County Public Security Battalion Zhong Moumou on suspicion of the crime of illegal mining and other investigation.

After investigation, the suspect Zhong Moumou, etc. Since June 2014, by in situ leaching mining process in the whole town to Tsai Pei County back big wave "cow feces Hill Field Road" at the illegal exploitation of rare earth, rare earth resources lead 11.21 tons were destroyed. As of the incident, involving 183 million yuan worth. February 5, 2015, Zhong Moumou other four people were arrested.

Yongxin: Liu Sheng illegal exploitation of certain clay-induced acres of farmland were destroyed

February 18, 2015, Yongxin County Public Security Bureau cracked a clay pollute the environment through illegal mining case, arrested a suspect Liu Sheng, Xing certain people. February 18, 2015, Yongxin County Public Security Battalion to Liu Sheng certain people suspected of illegal mining crime investigation.

After investigation, the suspect certain Xing, Liu Sheng certain since July 2014, did not receive any legal formalities, take predatory exploitation, causing serious damage to the national mineral resources, ten acres of farmland near the construction site by its stacked sand mining Stone cause permanent damage. As of the incident, involving a value of up to 60,000 yuan. February 19, 2015, a suspect Liu Sheng, Xing a XingJu.

These cases have been involved in an arrest, the case is under investigation.

Rare Earth Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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MIIT: complete separation of rare earth mining and smelting enterprise integration year

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Council issued "industrial restructuring and development of raw materials in 2015 the main points of the notice" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), made before the end of 2015 six rare large group completed all the country's mining and smelting of rare earth separation of enterprise integration.

"Notice" that is the basis of raw material industries and pillar industries of the national economy, a high concentration of resources and energy, are faced with a serious excess capacity, lack of market demand, resource and environmental constraints increase, the level of technological innovation is not high and many outstanding problems, transformation and development tasks very difficult.

"Notice" proposed to strengthen the strategic resource management, full implementation of industry management tasks: First, accelerate the construction of a large group of rare earths. 6 before the end of 2015 to complete all the country's large group of rare earth mining and smelting of rare earth separation of enterprise integration, to achieve a substantial reorganization of assets as the link. Second, the depth to combat rare illegal activities. Further implement the main responsibility of local government regulation, seriously deal with problems of businesses and individuals. Establish traceability mechanism of rare earth products, the use of rare earth invoices, export data and other information, the investigations of illegal enterprise product sources. Third is to develop high-end industrial applications. Continue to support and guide the development of rare earth industry in high-end applications. The fourth is to strengthen the production and circulation management. Strictly control new rare earth mining and smelting separation project, strict rare earths, tungsten, fluorite total production control plan management. Fifth, continue to improve industry management policies and regulations.

Rare Earth Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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RE protection and efficient use of imminent

"Since the reform and opening up, China's rare earth industry has made considerable progress, rare earth permanent magnet material production accounts for over 80 percent of global output. However, while China has a rare earth resources superpower, but it can not be called powers." Recently, the Chinese Academy of Sciences , a researcher at the Institute of Physics, said Shen Pocan interview with reporters.

Shen Pocan pointed out some of our rare native large ore long-term over-exploitation, resulting reserves the rapid decline; some places open tailings dam accumulation serious, not only exacerbate environmental pollution they cause in which waste thorium resources; at the same time, our research on issues related to rare earth inadequate investment, lack of core technology restricts the sustainable development of rare earth industry.

Shen Bao root appears that China should raise awareness of the importance of rare earth. The rare earth elements such as clear as an important strategic element in the country, strengthen the protection of rare earths and other strategic resources and use as soon as possible in the form of legislation; further improve the approval system of rare earth mining rights licenses; strengthening of rare earth resources, rare earth materials and industrialization process issues related to basic science and technology research and investment, accelerate the establishment of relevant intellectual property system; comprehensively promote the rational structural adjustment and optimization of the rare earth industry chain.

Shen Pocan proposal explicitly main Bayan Obo, Inner Mongolia, East mine for locating rare earth mine, no longer be the main iron ore mining, pay close attention to the assessment, in order to study and implement without rare earth minerals such as limonite Bayan Obo main alternative, the East Mine native ore feasibility; conducted as soon as possible ways to re-use value and technical secondary rare earth resources in Baotou Rare Earth tailings dam, significantly reducing the amount of rare earth ore mined; and strengthening solid waste tailings rare high value the use of Green, resources, to achieve the second rare earth-containing solid waste resource efficient reuse of high value; accelerate resource-saving study were associated with rare new functional materials, expanding the high abundance of lanthanum, cerium, yttrium and other elements in the Rare Earth Functional Materials Applications in achieving balanced and efficient use of rare earth resources, while reducing unnecessary separation of rare earth elements.

"Conservation and utilization of heavy rare earth resources in our country need to be strengthened." Shen Pocan finally stressed the need to re-situ leaching of the existing mine, heap leach mining techniques such as dip and pools caused by environmental pollution comprehensive assessment and audit, in reducing Under the premise of pollution and protect the environment as much as possible to improve the recovery rate of heavy rare earths.

Rare Earth Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version:

North Korea in order to raise the social status of rare earth tightrope between Japan and South Korea

Foreign media said North Korea's underground resources so coveted around the world. Not only China, Russia, Britain, the United States have an interest in Japan is particularly keen. Japan's goal is rare. Necessary rare earth materials with excellent chemical resistance, electrical resistance, light resistance, cell phones, computers, cars, generators, etc., also known as "the tip of the vitamin industry."

According to South Korean reports, after the Sino-Japanese relations cold, Japan began to be interested in Korea's rare. Japan accounted for 56 percent of rare earth in China [-2.36%] export amount. The deterioration of Sino-Japanese relations have adverse effects on exports of rare earths, a mortal blow to the Japanese industry. Indeed, this concern has become a reality. In 2010, Japan's territorial rights at the time of the Diaoyu Islands dispute was triggered bitter lesson.

Japanese imports of rare earths have tried to achieve diversification. In order to ensure a stable supply of rare earths, Japan is considering to Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Estonia and other resources, after that North Korea has a wealth of rare earth resources. North Korea was not too concerned about the rare earth before, North Korea since the 1980s recognized the value of rare earth, but need to be set up large-scale production equipment, so no idea. Because of the Sino-Japanese dispute, North Korea began to face rare value. The results March 23, North Korean state resource development Provincial Bureau of Investigation and Australia and other countries to carry out a survey released geologist, Korea buried in 216 million tons of rare earth. Bureau of Investigation declared proudly, "2010 world's rare earth consumption is only 14 million tons, Korea abundant reserves."

The result is that the estimated value of the Korean announcement, not a direct investigation, can not be sure. Government-related personnel, said, "North Korea's rare earths contained in a variety of trace minerals," "there is speculation economy is about 48 million tons of rare earth." But it is also China's rare earth reserves (89 million tons) Following, ranking second in the world.

January 2014, China decided according to WTO (WTO), the abolition of rare earth export quota system, in accordance with strict environmental standards to control production. When mining rare earth fluoride and dust, but also produce radioactive thorium. Requires extensive use of chemicals during processing, thereby resulting in an exhaust gas, sulfur oxides (sulfur oxides), sulfuric acid and other pollutants, it requires wastewater treatment equipment.

This is the reason for Japan's wish to improve relations with North Korea, because North Korea is not as Chinese environmental regulations harsh. In October 2014, cooperation between Russia and the DPRK, the DPRK decided to proceed inland railway maintenance works, while intervention in the Korean development of rare earth and act as funders also for this reason.

North Korea in rare for the media, with China, Japan, Korea and carefully maintain relationships.

Kim Jong Il, who had been instructed "with South Korea to develop underground resources." There will be no sale of the original ore added value, and therefore urged South Korea to jointly develop and enhance the added value then sold.

On the current inter-Korean relations, although still far away from the common development of rare earth, but South Korea is not without interest. 2011, with the North Korean government had advance Gangwon Pyonggang County rare earth mine development project. But the need to calculate, as at present imports from Japan has processed rare earths and the purchase of equipment from Japan to jointly develop the two Koreas, the two which one is more profitable.

Reported that China is very concerned about North Korea's rare. China Rare Earth can suppress Japan, Korea reluctant to become the new supply countries. Therefore, China is still a small amount of rare earth imports from North Korea. According to the Korea International Trade Association, 2014 North Korean exports to China of about 60 tons of rare earth.

Rare Earth Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version:

China Rare Earth regulatory reform to boost export markets

After the beginning of uncertainty, market participants gradually adapt to the new regulatory regime, the recent demand for Chinese rare earth has been warmer.

Subject to change and the impact of the export license export port restrictions, January sluggish demand overseas Chinese rare earths, rare earths and February exports increased by 24% to 2052 tons, January exports fell 49% to 1,457 tonnes.

In mid-February until the end of the Chinese New Year holiday, Chinese exporters shipped more concentrated, more contract in January or early February to sign, thus increasing the amount of rare earth export in February. January is also due to weaker demand in the coming Chinese New Year, Chinese exporters to suspend operations until the end of the holiday.

Meanwhile, China's rare earth export market is the new force, which has to a certain extent, pushed up exports in February. It is understood that many not previously export of rare earth producers and traders at the end of January and early February successfully applied to the export license and has started exporting.

In addition, China has increased efforts to combat illegal rare earths, China's export market is therefore subject to support. According to traders, said consumer business has been very difficult for them to low-cost procurement of illegal rare earth resources. October 2014, China's Ministry of Public Security and other eight ministries rare special action has been officially launched and will end March 31, 2015, relating to public safety, taxation and environmental safety and other aspects, the pooling of resources, to prevent illegal trade.

January 2015, China Guangdong Public Security Bureau of Shenzhen Customs union, Huizhou City, smuggling run, Xiamen, Beaconsfield, Huangpu, Nanchang and Hohhot Customs Bureau, and organized large-scale smuggling operation.

Recently, the first batch of rare earth total control of China's Ministry of Industry announced an increase in 2015, while activity will continue to combat illegal rare earth, which are imported from China to bring a lot of comfort to the rare earth companies.

China's first batch of rare earth ore control a total of 52,500 tons, the total smelting and separation products for 50,050 tons, an increase of 12% and 10.6%, respectively. China is consolidating and the separation of rare earth mining companies for the six Rare Earth Group, and will be completed by the end. The payment of the total rare earth control showed preferential policies for large rare earth enterprises.

However, China's imports of rare earth enterprises are still relatively cautious orders. Many importers believe in China in May after eliminating tariffs which will arrive in a more muffled purchase price, but also expressed concern about the impact of China's resource tax reform on prices of recent weeks, some enterprises began stocking.

Earlier there was news that China resource tax reform program will be announced in March, and then up to now have not yet released any further information.

Rare Earth Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version:

RE prices low steady, or continue to decline

At present, all varieties of rare earth market or low steady or continued to decline, and now many businesses reflect oxide prices are still falling channel, take time to stabilize the market, short-term market trend is still not optimistic.

Lanthanum, cerium oxide changes in the market is not, at present, according to manufacturers that offer 3N Baotou lanthanum oxide is currently quoted at 14,000 yuan / ton, ceria price at 1.25 yuan / ton, traders Ganzhou region 500 is slightly lower 1000 yuan / ton, lower prices have been steady in recent weeks. Europium, terbium market demand scarce, prices continue to continue to decline relative to last week, before europium oxide offer in 2000 yuan / kg cargo hold a wait and see attitude loose merchant shipping, offer down to 1900 yuan / kg, there are fewer people in the industry to reflect europium oxide person inquiries, lower transaction prices. Furthermore terbium oxide prices continue weakening, the current mainstream market has fallen down around 3900 yuan / kg.

Praseodymium, neodymium products, currently neodymium oxide, praseodymium, neodymium and praseodymium metal thinly traded, according to the supplier of Ganzhou praseodymium, neodymium metal with a vote now 395,000 yuan / ton, praseodymium, neodymium offer also fell to 310,000 yuan / ton position. Dysprosium products prices also hit year lows after the current price of 1.7 million yuan dysprosium oxide / ton, 1.75 million yuan with votes dysprosium iron / ton, and some have been shipped trading businesses continue watching the market, careful purchasing, some businesses are because before been on the sidelines, worried about the current market outlook continues to choose the right amount of shipments fall, but the high cost, there is a loss situation.

Rare Earth Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
Tungsten & Molybdenum Information Bank:
Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version:

RE prices continued light, the market traded in the doldrums

RE market continued light, low volumes, more than a continuation of last week's weak product prices this week, including dysprosium products prices showed a larger decline. This week more than one oxide transaction price decline, such as praseodymium, neodymium, erbium oxide, some suppliers of the transaction price or offer lower than last week about -1 5,000 yuan / ton, europium, terbium oxides have adjusted in the range of 50-150 yuan / kg, close to the weekend the majority of oxide prices temporarily stabilized steady, but the outlook is still possible to run further disadvantaged. Lanthanum, cerium oxides continue to remain low, 3N5 lanthanum oxide remained at around 13,500 yuan / ton, about 3N ceria 1.15-1.2 yuan / ton.

Currently the price of dysprosium from last weekend's 180-185 yuan / ton to the current 172-175 ten thousand yuan / ton, while today, according to industry and individual businesses to reflect the lower prices now dysprosium already approaching 1.7 million yuan / ton, suppliers are willing to take the goods smoothly none further price cuts, the recent price of dysprosium has repeatedly declined to allow some businesses worry wait hold stocks continue to fall shipments will increase in the afternoon, there are still some businesses bearish outlook on the market.

Rare Earth Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
Tungsten & Molybdenum Information Bank:
Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version:

Love the low part of the RE steady, oxide or stable or down

Today, most of the rare earth market products market continues to trend lower steady or trend down, although there are a small number of businesses that deal, but the transaction prices, as the supplier of Ganzhou just left two tons of grass Shen praseodymium oxide, but the transaction price dropped 405,000 yuan / ton. In addition, the business of erbium, dysprosium offer also fell due to the mainstream market coupled with weak demand, continue downward adjustment.

Recently yttrium, europium oxide single market, fewer inquiries recent rally has not significantly affected the wave of yttrium, europium, prices subject to supply and demand constraints, inability to rise, the current high price in yttria 4-4.2 yuan / ton, Europium oxide price in 1800 yuan / kg. Europium oxide lowest point this year in mid-January or so, when europium oxide with a ticket offer individual businesses even in 1600 yuan / kg, though the current price is the lowest level, but still partial bottom level, may still be in the long-term shock level position within the interval.

Currently erbium market demand for light, not as good as the pre-inquiry, traders offer from 26.5-27 yuan / ton in succession down to about 255,000 now, with larger decreases, the frequency of price adjustment is also faster. Dysprosium products prices back to levels before the current price of dysprosium has dropped below 1.8 million yuan, according to a trader Ganzhou dysprosium now reflect with tickets only 176 yuan / ton. Also praseodymium neodymium products recently also caused large fluctuations in the downstream market inquiries and concerns, but businesses inquiry only wait and see, procurement cautious.

Rare Earth Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
Tungsten & Molybdenum Information Bank:
Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version:

