How to Adjust an Expansion Watchband

Not all watches come in the perfect size for the wearer. While you can simply add another notch to a leather watchband, metal expansion bands require a bit more work to adjust the fit. This type of work requires a lot of careful precision so it's best to work with tools specifically designed for watch repair. Having specialized kit isn't necessary to adjust the watchband, however. A pair of needle nose pliers will also get the job done.

1.Slip the watch on. Without expanding the watchband, pull the band so that it's tight around your wrist. Count how many excess links are on the watchband. Remove the watch.

2.Remove the watch face from the band. Lay the watch flat and mark the number of links that need to be removed with a marker. Choose links that are near the center of the watchband.

3.Expand the section of band where the links will be removed. Depending on the brand of watch you have, the links will be separated in one of two ways. Watchbands that have links with tabs that bend over the end of the link need to have the tab straightened out on one side of the first link to be removed. Turn it over and straighten out the tab on the top side. On watchbands without the tab, carefully pull out the U shaped hook that holds the links together. Make sure not to twist the pin. Like the tab, only remove the hook from one side of the first link. Save the hook. Use a pair of needle nose pliers to do this for both styles of watchbands.

4.Slide the links apart. There will still be one tab or pin that hasn't been removed from the link so slide the links away from that end. As you slide the watchband apart, the staples within the tabbed band will disengage.

5.Repeat the previous two steps on the last link in the section that's being removed. Discard the removed section.

6.Slide the two remaining ends of the watchband back together. Listen for the click in the tabbed band as the internal stables reengage.

7.Fold the tabs back down into place on the tabbed watchband. Insert the U shaped hook back into the pinned watchband. Listen for the click as the hook locks into place, securing the links back together.


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