Single Ring Vs. Engagement & Wedding Ring

Jewelry has long been used as decoration for both men and women. Humans wear jewels and precious metals on their bodies to symbolize religious beliefs, convey social status, or simply for appearances. Rings, circular bands for wearing on a finger, originally symbolized eternity and hope. This romantic affiliation developed into rings being symbols of different kinds relationships and beliefs.

Rings in Relationships
In our modern society, rings are one of the most common and easily identifiable ways we have to acknowledge our status regarding romantic relationships. Engagement rings and wedding rings let others know the wearer of the ring is either married or soon-to-be wed. In America, after World War II, couples that were "going steady," or seeing each other exclusively, commonly exchanged rings to let others know they were in a committed relationship. Relationship-based rings are worn on the third finger of the left hand.

Single Rings
Rings are not just for those involved with somebody else romantically. Single persons often wear rings as well. Usually, these rings are not tied to any romantic feelings. They are worn for decorative or sentimental reasons. One ring a single person wears that does relate to romantic life is the "promise ring" or "purity ring." This ring is worn by unmarried persons, typically teenage virgins, as a way to symbolize their dedication to the pledge to remain sexually abstinent until they are married. This practice commonly relates to religious beliefs, but this belief is not necessary to wearing a purity ring.

Engagement Rings
Traditionally, the engagement ring is a gift given to the female half of a heterosexual couple when they become engaged to be married. Homosexual couples can celebrate their eventual marriage by both members wearing rings. This practice started in ancient times as a way to seal a marriage contract. During the 15th century, very wealthy and betrothed women began wearing diamond rings in honor of their upcoming nuptials. This tradition carries into today, with many men proposing marriage to their girlfriends by offering a ring embedded with one or more diamonds.

Wedding Rings
Wedding rings differ from engagement rings in several ways. Firstly, they are traditionally worn by both members of a married couple, instead of just the female. Wedding rings are also simpler in appearance than an engagement ring. They are commonly a bare band of metal. Gold is commonly used to create wedding rings. Irish folklore holds that gold must be used or the couple will face bad luck, but this is no longer commonly believed. Platinum, white gold, or other precious metals are used in modern creation of wedding bands.


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