Wang Qin: the task of combating rare black chain is very difficult

Vice president of the China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association, China rare earth industry branch president, said recently in Beijing Wang Qin, rare earth market order remains to be further standardized running against black chain is still a very both tasks.

"This black chain in the end how much the amount, it is difficult to say," Wang Qin said when attending the China Entrepreneur Summit strategic metals.

Illegal mining, unplanned, ultra indicators of production still exists

Previously, data from the China Rare Earth Association, in 2014 China's rare earth production is 105,000 tons mandatory plan, only the domestic demand will exceed 150,000 tons. Although such quotas Show shortage is inevitable, but now the actual situation of oversupply in the market is still there, and these extra portion According to expert analysis, it is likely that come from illegal sources.

And black rare earth industry chain, but also the looming signs of collusion.

In the last case of illegal rare earth mining in Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Anyuan County, the local party secretary, in charge of industry Standing Committee, Vice Mayor and Public Security Bureau were investigated. MIIT raw material industries Division inspector had said Jia Yinsong, this case has fully exposed the collusion behind the phenomenon of black interests of the chain.

Wang Qin said that the current market order rare run remains to be further standardized, after the first period of consolidation yielded good results, but illegal mining, unplanned, ultra indicators of production still exists, resulting in a substantial decline in the market price of rare earths, squeezing the legitimate business profit margins, interference market order, crack down on black chain is still a very both tasks.

In order to integrate the rare earth industry, according to the State Department on the 12th document, the State Council has approved the establishment of six Rare Earth Group program, Baotou Steel Group, Xiamen Tungsten (600,549, stock it), the aluminum company and other three groups filed embodiment has received the Ministry of Industry. Meanwhile in the management of SMEs, this year the Ministry issued the 2014 elimination of backward industrial overcapacity in the list of companies. The government hopes to support large rare earth enterprises and small and medium enterprises to rationalize the management of rare earth production mechanism.

There are signs of a rare earth downstream

For this year's rare earth production situation, Wang Qin considered rebound phenomenon, in the first three quarters of the rare earth industry in general should say this is a smooth operator.

She said according to data from January to September this year, as mining and smelting of rare earth producers are basically arranged in accordance with the Land Department, the Ministry issued indicators of production, production remained stable trend, the main business income of 56.7 billion yuan, an increase of 4.38 %, a profit of 2.96 billion yuan, down 24.1%, increase in export volume drop less rare earth metals fell 30.8%, other rare earth export volume year on year growth.

Some of the rare earth deep-processing products, such as rare earth permanent magnet exports grew by 16.7% and imports rose 5 percent, import and export trade surplus fell 11.9 percent, with the rare-earth prices gradually fall, consumer demand downstream gradually warmer.

Currently, a good investor expectations purchasing and storage of rare earths and great interest. Just last weekend, headquartered in Kunming Pan-Asian exchanges in the domestic non-ferrous rare species listed first dysprosium and terbium oxide, terbium oxide value of 8.24 million and the value of 22,350,000 of dysprosium, a total of 3,000 million rare earth products, once listed for sale sold out within a short period to facilitate the declaration of 5 seconds and 24 seconds.

Wang Qin believes that the long term, the development of China's electronic information, aerospace, electric vehicles, energy-efficient lighting, new energy and other industries, will be driven by strong growth in demand for rare earths. According to the Association did predict that in 2020 the growth rate of China's annual demand for rare earth permanent magnet materials luminescent material catalytic materials will reach 9.5%, respectively, around 4.7% and 7%, all kinds of phosphors is expected to reach about 6,000 tons the amount of hydrogen storage materials demand will reach 80,000 tons of rare earth industry still have confidence, mainly downstream demand has signs of recovery.

Investment industry, the quality of the overall investment also improved. January to August this year, China's rare earth industry investment in fixed assets of 60.9 billion yuan, an increase of 17.2%, the new funds are used for the overall relocation, technology upgrades and environmental rectification.

Wang Qin also expected this year, all of the country's 10 kinds of nonferrous metals output growth is expected to be around 7%, investment growth is about to be dropped to around 5%.

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