Pioneering the development of downstream applications is the focus of Rare Earth

China's rare earth supply exceeds demand, the heavy rare earth yttrium surplus each year more than 10,000 tons, light rare earth lanthanum, cerium surplus of more than 50,000 tons per year. & ldquo; pioneering application development direction of China's rare earth lanthanum, cerium, yttrium end-use markets, reduce inventory, yes. & rdquo; at the recently held Sixth China Baotou Rare Earth Industry Forum, experts said.

Light rare earth lanthanum, cerium production accounts for about 70 percent of China's rare earth production. Since late last year, rare earth prices continued to fall, lanthanum, cerium, yttrium oxide prices fell 40%. If the application does not solve the problem of lanthanum, cerium, yttrium, and will affect the development of the rare earth industry. China Rare Earth Industry Association Deputy Secretary-General Wang Rail said: & ldquo; lanthanum, cerium element of the application does not open, or that marketing does not open, praseodymium, neodymium, will also be affected, neodymium prices would become unstable, and therefore must be addressed lanthanum, cerium application problems. & rdquo;

The development of China's rare earth industry has experienced a breakthrough smelting and separation technology, a breakthrough technology, rare earth new materials production stage, it is now entering a high level of use of rare earth materials terminal stage of industrialization integration technology. Compared with mature praseodymium, neodymium metal market, lanthanum, cerium applications and price far behind. Insiders said: & ldquo; praseodymium, neodymium metal prices are more than 30 yuan / ton, lanthanum, cerium price should be 70,000 yuan / ton to 80,000 yuan / ton. Currently, praseodymium, neodymium metal sales was better because praseodymium, neodymium final downstream products than lanthanum, cerium higher end. & rdquo;

State Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Resources Vice Ren Mengjian think: & ldquo; lanthanum, cerium has a strong catalytic effect, you can put atmospheric emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides after catalytic into harmless substances. Applied to magnesium alloys, lanthanum, cerium can play a very good corrosion resistance and enhance the role of liquidity, the size of each year may be to use a dozen or even several million tons. & rdquo;

Zhang Zhong, general manager of Baotou Steel Rare Earth, said in addition to solving lanthanum, cerium, yttrium application problems in the new energy vehicles, the Baotou Rare Earth is also actively involved in the application of lanthanum, cerium more environmentally friendly projects. & ldquo; For example, smoke treatment, gas treatment, water treatment developed rapidly these years. We have recently carried out jointly with the petrochemical companies catalyst research and development projects, including soot denitration treatment. The main elements of these environmental projects using a lanthanum and cerium. & rdquo; he said.

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