Ningde first case of illegal exploitation of rare earth ore sentencing

Recently, the city 's first shouning court case of illegal mining of rare earth verdicts ,Ye Mouzhong illegal mining and other three defendants were sentenced to detention ranging from February to April , three were fined stolen money back clear .

Identified by the Public Prosecution Service , in 2011 at the end of the Lunar 11 Yemou Zhong , Liu Moumao , Linmou Ming , Lin Moufu , Lin Mouqing ( are handled separately ) and " Qiu boss" ( specifically unidentified ) Six after deliberation, the partnership invested 400,000 yuan ,Ye Mouzhong and Lin Mouqing, " Qiu boss" each contributed 15% share , 20% , 50%, Liu Moumao ,Lin Mouming and Lin Moufu account for 5% of the share capital contribution and agreed by the investment proportion dividends.

The following six people in land and resources without obtaining a mining permit issued in the county after shouning Wu Qu Mei Yeung Ridge Mountain town of undocumented exploitation of rare earth ore. As of 2012 Lunar New Year early March , six people in the town of Shouning Wu Qu Mei Yeung " after the mountain ridge " mining, the proceeds of sales of finished rare earth ore 110 thousand yuan , Ye Mouzhong , Liumou Mao , Lin Mouming respectively dividends 16,500 yuan , 5,000 yuan, 5,000 yuan.

Identified by the Provincial Department , shouning County town of Mei Yeung Wu Qu " mountain ridge after " rare earth ore mined mountain farm is weathering crust ion adsorption rare earth deposits , resulting in the destruction of rare earth mineral resources valued at 89,300 yuan .

Court that Yemou Zhong , Liu Moumao , Lin Mouming violation Mineral Resources of the State , without obtaining a mining permit unauthorized exploitation of rare earth ore , together with others , resulting in mineral resources worth 89,300 yuan , the circumstances are serious , their behavior has constituted the crime of illegal mining , the prosecutor accused guilty as charged.

Liumou Mao , Lin Mouming voluntarily surrender , truthfully confessed his crime that is surrendered , according to a lighter punishment ; three defendants have stolen money back clear , appropriate sentences. After the court verdicts in illegal mining Ye Mouzhong were sentenced to detention for four months and fined 50,000 yuan ; Liu Moumao detention for two months and fined 30,000 yuan ; Linmou Ming detention for two months and fined 30,000 yuan .

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