Cs0.33WO3 Applied for Transparent Heat Insulation Coating

Cs0.33WO3 for producing transparent heat insulation coating is also known as cesium tungsten bronze or cesium tungstate, which is a new functional material with excellent near-infrared absorption performance and high visible light transmission. According to the experts, the particle size of Cs0.33WO3 will affect the near-infrared absorbing ability and visible light transmission performance of the obtained heat-insulating glass coating. And the particle size of Cs0.33WO3 nano particles is affected by the ball milling process.

Cs0.33WO3 applied for transparent heat insulation coating picture

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Cs0.33WO3 applied for transparent heat insulation coating image

In this regard, some experts used UV/VIS/NIR spectrometers to analyze the cesium tungsten bronze solution before ball milling and after ball milling, respectively. The results showed that the longer the ball milling time for Cs0.33WO3 nano particles, the better its near-infrared absorbing ability and visible light transmittance. In other words, the smaller the particle size of cesium tungsten bronze nanoparticles, the better the heat-shielding effect of the obtained transparent heat insulation coating.

