Cs0.33WO3 Applied for Green Building Glass Curtain Wall

Cs0.33WO3 for preparing green building glass curtain wall is usually selected from nano particle size cesium tungsten bronze, and it is often Cs0.33WO3 nano coating – a combination of nanotechnology and glass. So, the glass curtain wall can play the role of building energy conservation, providing residents or workers in the building with safe and comfortable living or working space.

Cs0.33WO3 applied for green building glass curtain wall picture

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Cs0.33WO3 applied for green building glass curtain wall image

It is reported that the green building glass curtain wall with a layer of Cs0.33WO3 coating film can greatly reduce indoor solar heat radiation, and achieve the best effect of temperature reduction, energy consumption reduction, emission reduction, and light pollution reduction in one step. And the visual effects of the interior of the building are completely unified with the original decoration style, and the shape of the building's facade has also been continued. In other words, adding with Cs0.33WO3 nanoparticles in the coating, and applying the coating to the building glass curtain wall, you will get ideal heat insulation performance.

