Cs0.32WO3 Nanopowder Applied for Balcony Thermal Insulating Glass Coating
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- Category: Smart Glass
- Published on Thursday, 13 February 2020 22:22

Cs0.32WO3 nanopowder for the preparation of balcony thermal insulating glass coating is also known as cesium tungsten bronze nanopowder --- a kind of non-stoichiometric functional compound with special structure of oxygen octahedron.
Cs0.32WO3 Applied for Window Thermal Insulation Film
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- Category: Smart Glass
- Published on Thursday, 13 February 2020 22:20

Cs0.32WO3, or cesium tungsten bronze, is mainly applied for preparing a new type of window thermal insulation film as its nano powder has excellent near-infrared shielding performance. According to the experts, the near-infrared shielding performance of glass coated with Cs0.32WO3 window thermal insulation film has been further improved after UV irradiation. In comparison with the blank glass without Cs0.32WO3 film, the heat insulation temperature difference can achieve 8°C or more.
Cs0.32WO3 Applied for Transparent Glass Coating
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- Category: Smart Glass
- Published on Wednesday, 12 February 2020 21:01

Cs0.32WO3, as a useful near infrared (NIR) absorber or heat shielding additive, is mainly applied to prepare transparent glass coating. The prepared coating is environmentally friendly and highly transparent with high heat insulation and heat preservation performance. And such an absorber or additive is employed in organic or inorganic substrates, for instance plastics, coatings, ceramics or glass.
Cs0.32WO3 Applied for Glass Curtain Wall Heat Insulation Coating
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- Category: Smart Glass
- Published on Wednesday, 12 February 2020 21:00

Cs0.32WO3, or cesium tungsten bronze, shows a remarkable absorption of near-infrared (NIR) light so that it is often applied to prepare glass curtain wall heat insulation coating. As such coating plays an important role in building efficiency and environmental protection, Cs0.32WO3 nano particles are also attracting more and more attention. So, some experts have studied the activation of plasmons and polarons in solar control cesium tungsten bronze and reduced tungsten oxide nanoparticles.
Cs0.32WO3 Applied for Greenhouse Heat Insulation Coating
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- Category: Smart Glass
- Published on Wednesday, 12 February 2020 20:58

Cs0.32WO3, or cesium tungsten bronze, has attracted much attention as a near-infrared absorbing material. And cesium tungsten bronze nano particles are mainly applied to produce greenhouse heat insulation coating. As such coating is more and more popular, the preparation of cesium tungsten bronze is also getting much attention. For example, some experts have successfully synthesized the highly crystalline and high purity Cs0.32WO3 nanoparticles through a spray pyrolysis route.
Cs0.32WO3 Applied for Large Area Glass Curtain Wall
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- Category: Smart Glass
- Published on Wednesday, 12 February 2020 20:56

Cs0.32WO3 is mainly applied to prepare heat insulation film for applying to large area glass curtain wall, thereby saving energy and reducing the emission of CO2. Wherein, Cs0.32WO3 is cesium tungsten bronze nano powder with excellent near-infrared shielding property. Well, do you know how to prepare cesium tungsten bronze (CsxWO3) powder? And how to prepare CsxWO3 film?
Cs0.32WO3 Applied for Transparent Thermal Insulating Coating
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- Category: Smart Glass
- Published on Wednesday, 12 February 2020 11:58

Cs0.32WO3 for producing transparent thermal insulating coating is cesium tungsten bronze with nano particle size. Cs0.32WO3 nanoparticles are known as near-infrared shielding nanoparticles. According to reports, Cs0.32WO3 nano powder should be prepared into suspension solution before being made into heat-insulating coating. Wherein, the preparation of cesium tungsten bronze suspension solution is very important. So, do you know how to prepare cesium tungsten bronze suspension solution?
Cs0.32WO3 Applied for Heat Insulating Glass Coating
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- Category: Smart Glass
- Published on Wednesday, 12 February 2020 11:56

Cs0.32WO3 exhibits a broad NIR absorption band from 600 nm to 1100 nm, indicating its potential application for light absorption (such as the production of heat insulating glass coating) and photocatalysis under any part of solar light available. As the XRD patterns are important for studying the crystal structure change of Cs0.32WO3 nanoparticles, the experts have studied them to found that:
Cs0.32WO3 Applied for Energy Efficient Glass
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- Category: Smart Glass
- Published on Wednesday, 12 February 2020 11:54

Cs0.32WO3 for preparation of energy efficient glass is often known as cesium tungsten bronze nano powder. As such an energy efficient glass saves much energy and reduces the emission of carbon dioxide, the Cs0.32WO3 is more and more popular as a near-infrared shielding material. And therefore, the synthesis of cesium tungsten bronze is very important for relevant study.
Cs0.32WO3 Applied for Glass Curtain Wall
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- Category: Smart Glass
- Published on Wednesday, 12 February 2020 11:52

Cs0.32WO3, or cesium tungsten bronze, is an important near-infrared shielding material for manufacturing glass curtain wall with excellent heat insulation and heat preservation performance. And the cesium tungsten bronze particles are often in the form of a thin layer of heat shielding film. Well, you know, the cesium tungsten bronze course powder should be ground for many times into nano particles. And it is cesium tungsten bronze nano particles that are used for producing heat insulating materials. In this process, some experts analyzed the typical TEM images of the Cs0.32WO3 powder before grinding and after grinding for different times. And they found that: