Black Fire Is Keen About the Future Prospects at Pilot Mountain

Black Fire is keen about the future prospects at Pilot Mountain as tungsten prices have risen about 25% to about US$410 per tonne in the calendar year to date.

Pilot  Mountain is located about 250 kilometres southeast of Reno, Nevada. It is well served by nearby infrastructure, including sealed roads, nearby towns and mains power lines.

Besides the JORC Resource, the company’s drilling and compilations of historic data has also identified an Exploration Target of 10.8Mt to 12.5MT at between 032% and 0.35% WO3.

This reflects opportunities at the Garnet, Gunmetal and Good Hope prospects where historical drilling intersections require follow-up.

Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
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Black Fire Minerals Secures Title Over Nevada Tungsten-Copper Project

Black Fire Minerals (ASX: BFE) has reached an agreement with Pacific Gold Corporation to accelerate the transfer of the title to the Pilot Mountain Tungsten Copper project in Nevada by paying an initial US$350,000 (A$383,966).

This will give Black Fire full title to the mineral claims covering the project, which has a JORC Resource of 6.79 million tonnes at 0.31% WO3, 22.8 grams per tonne silver and 0.17% copper.

The company has also agreed to pay PGC a further US$850,000 by 31 March 2014 to retain title to the claims.Under the original agreement, Black Fire could only achieve title once it had paid all outstanding options totalling US$1.5 million by September 2015.

Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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Rising Chinese Inflation is Also Likely to Push Tungsten Prices Higher

Rising Chinese inflation is also likely to push tungsten prices higher. A number of companies in Europe are in the process of establishing new tungsten mines to try to meet the expected gap in supplies.

Ormonde Mining (LON:ORM) is awaiting final permitting for its Barruecopardo tungsten mine in Spain that will produce 227,000 tonnes per year.

W Resources (LON:WRES) is also busy in Spain, exploring and defining a new mine and tailings treatment plant at La Parilla in the south-west of the company.

In the UK, Wolf Minerals (LON:WLFE) has just started development of its Hemerdon project in Devon having agreed a financing package.

Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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Tungsten Tipped to Become Scarce from 2015

Tungsten is one of a number of “critical elements” that will become increasingly scarce from 2015, according to a well-known mining consultant.

Lara Smith, managing director of South African group Core Consultants, told the Geological Society of South Africa that tantalum and certain types of rare earths would also be become much harder to find over the next three years.

The European Union and the US Department of Defence have already put these three metals at the top of their critical list. China is the world’s main producer of tungsten but is now the major user as well.

The Chinese already account for more than half of world appetite and with thier tungsten demand growing rapidly, they have adopted measures to protect supplies

This is throwing up huge opportunities for the development of tungsten ores, concentrates and intermediary products outside of China, said Smith.

Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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Black Fire Minerals Moves to Increase Cash Position

Black Fire Minerals (ASX: BFE) had been granted a trading halt  last friday, with its shares placed in pre-open, pending the release of capital raising details.

Earlier in the week the company reached an agreement with Pacific Gold Corporation to accelerate the transfer of the title to the Pilot Mountain Tungsten Copper project in Nevada by paying an initial US$350,000 (A$383,966).

This will give Black Fire full title to the mineral claims covering the project, which has a JORC Resource of 6.79 million tonnes at 0.31% WO3, 22.8 grams per tonne silver and 0.17% copper.

The company has also agreed to pay PGC a further US$850,000 by 31 March 2014 to retain title to the claims. The halt will last until the earlier of an announcement being made to the market, or the opening of trade on  9th July 2013.

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Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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Ormonde Was Undervalued by the Market

 London brokers RFC Ambrian said Ormonde was undervalued by the market. It believes the project would get full permission before the end of this year and is confident of local support in the area, as it is very much in need of employment.

"Local infrastructure is excellent, as one would expect within the EU. The area is a historical mining area and well linked by road and power. There is a local supply of water for processing and a local supply of labour. Tungsten is viewed as a strategic metal with no substitute available," said the broker.

Ormonde is currently trying to secure funding for the development. Chairman Michael Donoghue said discussions with a range of banks for loans as well as with parties who might provide finance in return for equity have advanced.

Its feasibility study on the mine said that over a nine-year span, the mine would generate cash flows of €29m per year.As well as its tungsten operation, Ormonde mines copper and gold in Spain.

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Ormonde Has Got Approval for the Barruecopardo Mine

Tungsten is the second-hardest metal in the world, after diamond, and is used in aerospace and drilling.The drilling company has got approval from the Spanish provincial government for the Barruecopardo mine, which is located in Salamanca.

This is the last hurdle to be cleared before getting approval from Spain's federal government.Currently, China supplies about four-fifths of all the world's tungsten but Ormonde says the mine will be a major and secure European source for the metal.

It says the site will be able to supply 8pc of all tunsgsten sourced outside of China.Ormonde expects to be able to sell tungsten produced from Barruecopardo at about $350. This would pay back the cost of developing the well in about two and a half years.

Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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Almonty Industries Inc. News

Almonty Industries Inc. announces that it has successfully restarted operations on June 29, 2013, six days after temporarily suspending mineral processing activities at its wholly owned Los Santos Project as a result of an electrical fire on June 23, 2013 that destroyed its diesel generator power supply and caused severe damage to its electrical switching infrastructure.

The restart was accomplished utilizing a portable 4 generator power installation that the Company has rented.  Almonty intends to rent the portable power installation until such time that the connection to the state electricity grid is complete in August 2013.

The Company will restore normal shipments of tungsten concentrate shortly and continues to work with its insurance adjusters to determine the extent of the damage and business interruption that is covered under its insurance policies.

Lewis Black, Chief Executive Officer of Almonty commented, "We are pleased to have been able to restart operations in such a short time after the fire and will be able to sustain normal operations through the use of temporary diesel generators with no impact on production. As a result of advancing our planned quarterly maintenance shutdown to coincide with the temporary stoppage, the ore that has been mined and stockpiled during the past week is expected to be processed during the month of July. Work on our connection to the state electricity grid continues on schedule and we expect to complete our connection during August 2013."

Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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Black Fire Minerals Secures Title Over Nevada Tungsten Copper Project

Black Fire Minerals has reached an agreement with Pacific Gold Corporation to accelerate the transfer of the title to the Pilot Mountain tungsten copper project in Nevada by paying an initial US$350,000 (A$383,966).

This will give Black Fire full title to the mineral claims covering the tungsten copper project, which has a JORC Resource of 6.79 million tonnes at 0.31% WO3, 22.8 grams per tonne silver and 0.17% copper.

The company has also agreed to pay PGC a further US$850,000 by 31 March 2014 to retain title to the claims.

Under the original agreement, Black Fire could only achieve title once it had paid all outstanding options totalling US$1.5 million by September 2015.

Black Fire is keen about the future prospects at Pilot Mountain as tungsten prices have risen about 25% to about US$410 per tonne in the calendar year to date.

Pilot Mountain is located about 250 kilometres southeast of Reno, Nevada. It is well served by nearby infrastructure, including sealed roads, nearby towns and mains power lines.

Besides the JORC Resource, the company’s drilling and compilations of historic data has also identified an Exploration Target of 10.8Mt to 12.5MT at between 032% and 0.35% WO3.

This reflects opportunities at the Garnet, Gunmetal and Good Hope prospects where historical drilling intersections require follow-up.

Tungsten Copper Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version:

Direct Flow Meter for Weighing of Tungsten Carbide

The C-Lever direct system is installed and operating in the Schöndorfer GmbH’s dolomite plant in Jettenberg, Austria. Their requirements were based on the exact dosage of dolomite tungsten carbide powder on a conveyor – at a mere flow rate of 300 up to 500 kg/h. The structural requirements basically didn’t permit an installation at normal height. With a minor height of just 670 millimetres, the C-Lever direct 12 PRE stood the test. Despite extreme dust development, further dedusting within the device itself could be waived. Stability was achieved through tungsten carbide coating that is applied to the gravimetric slide sensor during a thermal spray process. Tungsten carbide products are characterised by its very high wear resistance.

With tungsten carbide's coated gravimetric slide, the C-Lever direct accurately and consistently measures the ground dolomite rocks. Through this measured value, the customer is now capable of adjusting the flow capacity to the conveyor. The conveyor’s effective use now lies at 100 percent and isn’t overloaded.

Rembe says that, besides high accuracy, flexibility, simple integration and handling, their measuring system offers high process safety. This would be guaranteed by a patent-pending, friction-free measurement of the centripetal force. Compared to other bulk flow meters, the C-Lever gravimetrically measures the product stream at the sensor, in other words, without any mechanical components such as rotary belts, bearing or other moving parts. The manufacturer claims that this results in a substantial improvement of the current industrial standards of up to ± 0.2 percent at a turn-down ratio of 20:1 on the measuring range. Even minor flow rates of under 100 kg/h can be linearly measured. The C-Lever recognises and compensates various influences on the bulk flow, thus, measuring is not influenced by the numerous variable factors arising during the process. The steeply mounted gravimetric slide sensors prevent the product’s adhesion, which eliminates the zeropoint shift as a source of error. Elaborate pneumatic dedusting becomes history.

Tungsten Carbide Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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