Two workers Pirates of the value of two million yuan Rare

August 5 hearing on the 1st, responsible for stolen goods Ryu arrested in Zhuzhou, Hunan, thus, the industrial district "7.17" large theft of six were all brought to justice, 110 million yuan stolen money was fully recovered. July 17, a company found precious rare earth materials tantalum pentoxide lost more than a ton, worth more than 200 million. These valuable industrial raw materials, was sale of 110 million. Recently, the theft of rare earth fence chain has other four officers to justice.

XiaoMou 29-year-old, married, early in 2012 he was a foreign-funded enterprises in the industrial district finding a job, the monthly salary is only 2,400 yuan, not XiaoMou support household spending. Earlier this year, a workshop just transferred workers said plant material used is expensive rare earth materials, "thousands of one kilogram it." Speaker has no intention, the listener interested, XiaoMou the heart.

One day in February this year, when the night shift, XiaoMou slipped workshop materials, in a corner of the shop, he found a whole bucket full bucket of rare earths. Pull pull buckle closure, XiaoMou bucket out from a total of 75 kilograms of rare earth three bags, then pull a good pull buckle. Workshop materials door is not completely closed, XiaoMou plug from the door out of three bags of earth, smooth out the factory.

XiaoMou no buyers, he search the Internet, and soon, with Hebei Wang rare earth buyer contact. Wang and his son trio drove to Weihai, carrying $ 180,000 worth of professional testing equipment, "inspection." Verification of purity, the Royal Sons 1000 yuan per kilogram accept XiaoMou hands of 75 kilograms of rare earth, XiaoMou profit 75,000 yuan.

Tasted the sweetness of XiaoMou plan secondary crime. To steal some more, he found fellow Xiao Moumou the same village, the two co-Theft of rare earth materials 220 kg. Wei Wang father and sons again to the acquisition, the XiaoMou profit 220,000 yuan.

Thereafter, Xiaomou, Xiao Moumou out of control, and crime four times Theft of rare earth materials are sold to Wang 1000 yuan per kilogram. To before the incident, XiaoMou crime such as six times, a total of more than one ton of rare earth Theft, profit more than 110 million. Wang and his son places 1,400 yuan per kilogram, second degree fence buyers to Hunan Ryu. July 17 evening, this enterprise workshop materials inventory found more than a ton, worth more than 200 million tantalum pentoxide "not on account", then the police.

Industrial Area police concluded that internal staff to commit crimes, 24, were arrested in the workshop XiaoMou that night Xiao Moumou also been arrested. July 28, the Royal father and sons were arrested. August 1, in Hunan Zhuzhou police assistance, Liu was arrested. Currently, 110 million yuan in illicit money involved has been fully recovered. Xiaomou, Wang, Liu and 6 have been XingJu.

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2013.8.5: Rare outlook uncertain Waste Electrical and prices down

Early August the market has two industry conferences, the market has been looking forward to the meeting results, during the meeting, the market price is likely to remain stable, many businesses see attitude. Despite hitting the earth extended to September rectify, but, after all, rare earth prices have risen to a higher position, continue to push prices higher rectifying positive momentum little heavy pressure downstream market. Despite strong magnetic manufacturers price increases, but the application needs are limited, shipping situation is not good, there is to do in Guangzhou magnetic enterprises now reflect the downstream market is still no market price.

Monday rare earth market more manufacturers and traders that reflects current market for rare earths is chaos City arbitrary price period, temporarily good outside offer. Subject to market fluctuations of raw materials and downstream magnetic scrap market prices loose down, many large traders began to cut waste and scrap magnetic motors offer, hold stocks of small retail investors are more concerned about the market trends and to consider appropriate shipping. According to Ganzhou area manufacturers reflected praseodymium neodymium metal market prices fell slightly, there are other manufacturers now reflect praseodymium neodymium metal market prices relatively stable, Change is not obvious. Insiders now suggest that manufacturers and traders can supply the amount of praseodymium neodymium metal is still a lot of stock on the market is not out of stock, some manufacturers cut metal, the main sales of more profitable shot faster oxides. Currently praseodymium neodymium oxide market prices will remain stable, with votes in the 33-34 yuan / ton or so, with no votes 285,000 yuan / ton.

Scrap market attention by both magnetic rare earth dysprosium another breed products prices turning point in the last week, the market is showing the actual transaction price down. Dysprosium is no longer a strong current market trends, prices fell by more than the previous level, dysprosium market transactions also gradually fade.

Monday magnetic scrap recyclers market continues to have lower recycling prices, market trends were weak, short repeals the current magnetic 96-98 yuan / kg, long 106-108 yuan / kg, tiles 124 yuan / kg, part larger volume of transactions between customers slightly higher price than the market price. Waste Electrical and recovery price also slightly down, Jiangsu region is brushless motor scrap recycling price of 78 yuan / month or so, Linyi and Taizhou brushless 81,81.5 yuan / month for the mainstream price of 82 yuan / month offer is still there Brush motor scrap recycling price currently concentrated in the 129-136 yuan / month.

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Rare tea excessive soil may be trouble

Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau reported yesterday announced second quarter provincial food supervision and inspection results, Yangzhou six batches of tea Rare exceeded. Reporters learned yesterday investigation, has been detected in the earth exceeded tea products, more than half of the tea raw materials are purchased from outside.

Survey: More than half of excessive tea raw materials from overseas

For tea REE excessive harm, the reporter consulted the relevant parties, rare earth elements are not essential substances, it has some toxicity, and once excreted into the body difficult. Residual renal function in vivo would, nervous system adverse effects. Especially children, pregnant women, etc. should not be excessive drinking excessive tea water earth, rare earth elements in these kinds of people because of greater impact.

Yesterday, the reporter learned from the city quality supervision departments, which six batches of tea companies have all been put in place rectification. While the relevant parties, six batches of enterprise itself is not more than half of tea cultivation, tea raw material is not purchased from Yangzhou territory.

"Hang Set 4 tea bags of tea production, the use of very fine material from Yixing tea purchases come over there. "Quality supervision departments related parties, although the state of rare earth content in tea is 2.0mg/kg, but because the detection of rare earth elements belonging to unconventional projects, it is generally impossible to detect out enterprise. Through this testing also sounded the alarm for these enterprises, raw materials purchased after tea REE limited testing must be carried out.

Farmers: never used rare earth fertilizer application in

However, there are still two companies on the list from the local tea raw materials, according to the relevant parties, including a tea raw materials purchased from Yizheng. Official said, the industry has been saying, the use of rare earth-containing fertilizer can get a certain yield, used tea tree, can promote seedling growth and development. Yesterday, the reporter visited the farmers Town Yizheng months, the villagers Wu Shilin tea has been planted for many years, he told reporters, tea tree planting process will have fertilization, but have not heard of using rare earth-containing fertilizer.

"Tea is a rare exceeded more possibilities in the soil inside. "Yizheng Green Tea Association Deputy Secretary-General Yang Yun Peng said that in addition to the soil, such as urea, poultry manure can occur in feed REE exceeded, another example water, car exhaust and other reasons too, but be sure that No one intentionally added to the rare earth elements in tea fertilizer.

In this regard, the reporter also consulted Yangzhou Dohi station Zhangyue Ping, Zhang webmaster that soil containing rare earth rare earth elements causes excessive tea more likely. "There has not heard of rare earth-containing fertilizer, this is unlikely. "

Insiders: easy to bubble out, proposed to relax the limits

"Different tea and other crops, tea drinking brew that is often used, rare earth difficult to dissolve in water, brewing tea in less than 1/4 of the rare earth oxides leaching, the majority still remain in tea. "An industry source said that in recent years has been detected rare tea frequently exceeded, for example, Lipton, Iron Goddess of Mercy and so have the guns, ultimately can not find the murderers. Rare excessive fertilization caused some culprit, some soil built up. Proposed to re-evaluate the existing limits of tea earth, to develop a more scientific and reasonable targets. "RE excessive eating food directly will certainly harmful, but different tea, a cup of tea, the water may have only 20% of rare earth migrated to in tea. "

According to the briefing, according to the 2005 edition of "National Food Safety Standard of contaminants in foods" provides the rare earth content in tea is 2.0mg/kg. This standard cancellation in 2010. May 2012, the new "Determination of rare earth elements in plant food" national standard release, replacing the original rare test methods. Detection of rare earth content in tea by five kinds of original volume increased 16 kinds of rare earth oxides. More rigorous method of measuring total rare tea making detection value is higher than the original.

In this regard, the quality supervision department official also said that in previous years did not have tea REE detection, detection of this year, they are also more out of this feeling surprised. "Of course not all of a sudden cancellation, to have a control, but the value can be changed a bit limited. "Yizheng a tea factory in charge suggested.

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Chinese rare earth polishing materials work will be held in the package

Recently, the China Rare Earth Industry Association Polishing Materials Branch 2013 work conference held in the city, China's rare earth polishing materials in the field of more than 40 experts and scholars and rare earth polishing powder production business representatives gathered in Baotou, discuss industry development.

China Rare Earth Industry Association Secretary-General Ma Rongzhang analysis of the current situation of domestic rare earth industry, suggested that the Government and relevant departments resolutely crack down on black chain, inventory as soon as possible to rectify Rare integrated waste recovery projects, the introduction of more effective measures to support the development of rare earth industry.

Baotou Steel Rare Earth, general manager Zhang said that the current domestic rare earth both upstream and downstream industries such as polishing materials overcapacity serious, I hope the relevant departments to continue to strengthen the fight against the illicit production, the progressive realization of rare earth elements classified management, release the light rare earth resources in the mandatory plan , quotas, set up a large group of rare earth, with market conduct industry management.

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August 5, 2013 RE Price Quotes

August 5: early earth prices up too fast, with the downstream receiving goods continued cautious, praseodymium neodymium and dysprosium metal alloys have different levels fell slightly, other varieties mainly steady.
Lanthanum oxide mainstream manufacturers tax price 27,000-29,000 yuan / ton. Cerium oxide mainstream manufacturers tax price 28,000-29,000 yuan / ton.

Praseodymium oxide mainstream manufacturers tax price 480,000-490,000 yuan / ton. Neodymium oxide 330,000-340,000 yuan / ton.

Praseodymium neodymium mainstream manufacturers tax price 335,000-345,000 yuan / ton, praseodymium neodymium metal mainstream manufacturers tax price of 425,000-435,000 yuan / ton.

Europium oxide phosphor grade mainstream manufacturers tax price 4,600-4,800 yuan / kg. Terbium oxide phosphor grade mainstream manufacturers tax price 4,000-4,200 yuan / kg.

Dysprosium oxide mainstream manufacturers tax price 230-250 yuan / ton, dysprosium iron mainstream manufacturers tax price 230-250 yuan / ton.

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Dysprosium prices short-term prices will remain firm

Last month, the price of rare earth appears broad. The recent market prices of rare earth products dysprosium is also strong in the short term, dysprosium market price trend is still running strong. There are businesses that now the market price is higher, downstream buyers reluctant to purchase by the cost of support, cargo operators who heard the recent news of state purchasing and storage, the price outlook is expected to continue upward.

Affected by the impact of the price of dysprosium oxide, dysprosium dysprosium iron prices are rising in tandem with the market now offer was 2750-2850 yuan / kg and 2250-2350 yuan / kg. However, the actual volume of the entire downstream market is not optimistic, end-user demand procurement, factory shipments is not the intention, the overall market trend is not very good, long-term demand to price support efforts is limited. Rare analysts believe that now most of the speculation among traders on the market in the short term, the market price of dysprosium strong trend will continue to be run.


New energy vehicles to drive growth of rare earth materials

Future impact of modern industry is the basic substance, must ultimately special metal functional materials, and rare earth functional materials is the most important one.

Most of China's rare earth mining enterprises located in a large area. In the core area of ​​rare earth resources, China's rare earth industry formed three bases and two major north-south pattern of rare earth production system. Three bases are located in Baotou, Inner Mongolia, Sichuan and Jiangxi Ganzhou MIANNING represented by seven southern provinces. Including header and mianning region dominated by light REE, and Jiangxi provinces in southern seven heavy rare earth-based. Two production systems, namely the northern light rare earth-based process system and to the south of the heavy rare earth-based process system.

In the new materials industry, "second five" key catalog among the rare earth functional materials selected 25 species, including rare earth magnetic materials and rare earth luminescent materials accounted for 50% of the total.

"Twelfth Five-Year Plan" that, "Twelve Five" period, China is expected to require a total of 40,000 tons of rare earth permanent magnet materials. New energy field, 2015 cumulative production and sales of new energy vehicles will be more than 500,000, according to every need of new energy vehicles 60kw rare earth permanent magnet 3 kg basis, totaling 1,500 tons of rare earth permanent magnet. During the second five efforts to achieve the output value of new materials more than 25% annual growth target. Organizational development of high energy product rare earth permanent magnet materials, new production processes, promoting high coercivity, high temperature NdFeB magnets and samarium cobalt magnets, Sm-Fe-N isotropic bonded magnet powder and industrialization, the new permanent Material production capacity 20,000 tons / year.

In foreign countries, of rare earth resources had already been applied to the high-tech military which. Rare is the manufacture of precision-guided weapons, radar and night-vision goggles and other weaponry indispensable element. U.S. "Patriot" missiles to intercept incoming missiles precisely the reason why, thanks to the guidance system used about 4 kg of tungsten-cobalt magnets and titanium boron magnets; U.S. "Aegis" system of spy-1 radar is also used made by the Chinese rare earth magnets. Without these elements, these weapons will blindness.

In the domestic capital markets, be more concerned with the rare earth elements is the development of energy-efficient hybrid interlocking.

And other new materials, like the bottleneck problem faced by the current development of domestic rare earth faces two major problems, one lower grade of products, irrational industrial structure; Second, marketing is not wide enough, not enough widespread application of rare earth products, which are in need of technical progress to give support. "Planning" also mentioned the need to increase R & D investment, focusing on new materials R & D investment accounted for 5% of sales revenue, and built a number of new materials engineering and technology research and development and public service platform.

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For the United States intends to exploit the local pressure on China Rare Earth

Recently, the U.S. media broke the news that the United States some members mulls bill requiring the government to allow to increase domestic rare earth mining. U.S. Lawmakers said the move primarily to reduce dependence on Chinese rare earths to protect U.S. national security.

Under the Act, the U.S. approval authority must be made within 30 months of approval not to be unreasonably delaying approval. The debate in the House Rules Committee on Modi by explaining the purpose of the Bill, said the bill put forward is based on national security considerations and economic recovery.

Moment, pushing America to expand domestic rare earth mining behind the main factors: First, the market demand is huge. REE is manufactured rockets, computers, stealth aircraft, LED fluorescent tubes, and many other products indispensable raw materials. More importantly, rare earth manufacturing energy saving products is an important raw material, the United States to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, imported from overseas can not meet their own needs. "Forbes" magazine said the United States is sitting on the world's proven reserves of 15% of the earth, but the yield was less than 1% of the world, resulting in this production capacity and reserves within the United States do not match demand and is mainly due to government restrictions the exploitation of rare earth resources.

Second, out of its own military security considerations. United States, "Defense News" that the United States needed to develop sophisticated weapons, mostly from China Rare Earth and China to strengthen management of rare earth exports will likely threaten the United States military capabilities. U.S. military, military industrial enterprises and energy exploration companies have been used as a reason to lobby the government and Congress to expand the exploitation of local rare earth resources.

Third, control of the initiative in the field of rare earth new materials. Currently, rare earth new materials in the field of intellectual property rights for the United States and Europe are the main control. But with the rapid development of China's rare earth industry in China in the field of R & D capabilities on the rise. U.S. experts have put forward, in order to lead the development of rare earth new materials in the field, the United States must be an appropriate increase in extraction and mining, processing to achieve greater technological breakthroughs.

Fourth, for the technological development of the industry ahead of the layout. America's current pace of economic growth has returned, some of the new technologies to achieve breakthrough innovation led by the economic boom in the United States may once again appear. Moment, information technology, biotechnology and other technologies of the future will be the United States focus of industrial development, and rare is the application of these technologies provides the important basic materials. U.S. Magnetic Materials Association reported that rare earth mining the main issues, namely, the high cost of mining is very difficult to extract, the second is environmental pollution, to large-scale mining of rare earth resources in the United States, need to establish a chain, but it will take time . To meet the great development of the technology industry, the United States need ahead of the layout, and establish a domestic rare earth supply chain.

U.S. exports of rare earths on Chinese management practices dissatisfaction and concerns have not been eliminated in China on the issue of rare earth put more pressure on China to relax Rare management measures. The Chinese may be necessary to protect resources and environment considerations, continue to adhere to the current rare earth mining and export management measures. In the rare earth issue, Sino-US new collision and friction will be inevitable.

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Smuggling of rare earth mixed with the flour profit doubled to bypass customs

"Smuggling" as a legal concept charges, in the rare earth business circles, became vocabulary? Recently, the state of the rare earth industry, strike hard, some responsible persons suspected of smuggling away cooperate with the investigation by the local public security bureau.

"This is not new as long as there are profits, someone will take the risk." One yuan rare earth industry insiders told reporters.

Rare Earth Industry Association, Ma Rongzhang publicly stated last year, in 2011, foreign import statistics than the number of rare earth exports to China Customs statistics 1.2 times higher than the number that smuggling is a normal amount of 120% of exports, "the amount of smuggling now may not be so high, but there must smuggling. "

Recently, this reporter unannounced visits to an export freight business, I learned the details of their smuggling of rare earths.

Profit more than 50% to avoid customs

"This circle where, if strict accordance with national policies define words, many places are" unclean "." The rare earth industry, told reporters the case said.

He said "no clean", referring to the choice of private mines, smelting separation production targets over production (industry, also known as a side job), there is smuggling.

Why would smuggling of rare earth Eliminated? The industry believes that, because of "profit dictates."

At present, the domestic franchise invoice no private mining of rare earth crackdown increasing separation midstream smelting enterprises will not rush to use this limelight private mines, traders cautious hoard goods, not domestic sales. The export, and if through customs tax, the profit will be greatly reduced; relationship if exports through intermediaries, profits can guarantee at least 50%.

Cerium oxide to heading 2,846,101,000 example, each kg of 15% export duty, value added tax of 17%. According to information provided by rivers Consulting, June ceria average export price of 8.69 U.S. dollars / kg, or about 53,000 yuan / ton. The cerium oxide in the domestic price, but is 2.6 yuan / ton, the export price doubled.

According to the sources, foreign businessmen will understand the domestic rare earth price quotes. If they think $ 8.69 / kg price is too high, demand for lower prices, then, domestic traders to make up the difference out of pocket only, which is obviously not the pen good deal. However, to avoid customs not the same, domestic traders can use more than 30,000 yuan / ton price to sell, some of fees paid to brokers to ensure their own profits at least 50% or more. Generate demand for such smuggling.

Rare is "entrained" exit

Wong (sound) is a person in charge of export freight companies, although quite young, but talk about "sensitive goods" business (smuggling of rare earth) is very skilled.

"You want to export cerium oxide, lanthanum, cerium carbonate such over 20,000 yuan / ton cheaper rare earth, we have to charge 3,500 yuan per ton fee, if those are the heavy rare earth oxide, erbium, fees naturally higher." Mr. Huang on the "Daily Economic News" reporter, said, "This price is not high, we will earn 600 yuan per ton to 800 yuan, if large, it can be considered favorable."

Wong export freight companies where both agents clothing, bags such common goods export declaration, but also agents of rare earth, charcoal such "sensitive goods." They are mainly from the Guangdong Whampoa of Hong Kong and Shenzhen, Shekou Port exit, the containers transported to Hong Kong and then help mainland exporters way of fixed positions, shipped overseas buyers.

"Domestic transportation costs requires companies themselves out." Wong said, they are responsible for re-export from the Mainland to Hong Kong and then shipped to foreign link.

He knew entrainment these "sensitive goods" out off the seriousness, but he very confidently said, "We are one day made 3,4 units Hong Kong car (Hong Kong and mainland customs clearance logistics vehicles), rare earth shipments of up to 10 a day ton. "loaded more than one company per container cargo. He is 20 tons per day, for example, 18 tons loaded textile toys, entrainment of two tons of rare earth, rare earth to the declaration on behalf of talc.

The industry had told reporters that this is a means of smuggling of rare earth. Price of up to several hundred thousand tons of heavy rare earths, mixed together with flour or talcum powder to bypass customs inspection, the flow of the customs, and then refined in a foreign country. Colorless, odorless powder mix together, it is difficult to distinguish.

Mr Wong said, that line is very risky, a Hong Kong car one million yuan, if a problem of domestic cars and drivers have been seized, the driver and then go take a couple of years in prison, then the company will pay nearly $ 200 million.

"These private live, we can do it, you can not do what we do not hard embrace." Wong said, "within its capabilities, we can promise to the customer, such as one day out of a few tons of cargo can, if dozens of tons of goods to be once we finished out, it certainly can not do. "

Rare Earth Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
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U.S. rare earth internal truth exposed China

Since 2007, China began to implement mandatory plan for rare earth production and begin to reduce exports of rare earths. This caused the United States and Europe, Japan and other Western countries, the strong reaction, have to "China has the world's most rare earth reserves," claimed a Chinese rare earth export restrictions to cancel.

However, the U.S. authorities have recently launched a report showed that the "Chinese control the global rare earths" untrue accusations, in fact, China's rare earth reserves account for only one-third of the world, while the United States and Europe equally large quantity of rare earth reserves, but they are "frozen" together.


