Tightening Availability of Low-price Raw Materials in Tungsten Market

Analysis of latest tungsten market from Chinatungsten Online: Returning from Tomb-Sweeping Day holiday, a large tungsten enterprise in Fujian province released the first guide prices for April amid APT price in cash was $305.8/mtu, down $5.8/mtu compared with last time. The decline set the tone of weakness for the whole tungsten market last week.

With the decreasing of low-price tungsten raw materials, purchasers became active in enquiry again and the mentality of tungsten concentrate and APY manufacturers improved. Without further favorable news coming out of in the market, insiders will maintain wait-and-see mentality and tungsten price would be hard to rebound.

Prices of tungsten products on Apr. 16, 2018

tungsten powder price picture

Picture of tungsten powder

tungsten powder picture

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