Waste Tungsten Can Still Be Traded,Individual Price Increase


Tungsten scrap prices continue to hold steady. Currently scrap tungsten drill focused on the purchase price excluding tax mainstream 185-188 yuan / kg, imported scrap tungsten blade 176-180 yuan / kg, domestic waste tungsten blade 167-170 yuan / kg, scrap wire drawing dies 178-181 yuan / kg waste pure tungsten 213-221 yuan / kg. W ≥ 70% concentrated in the purchase price of the grinding material mainstream 1.75-1.8 yuan / kWh; 50% <W <70% ,1.65-1 .75 yuan / kWh; 30% <W <50% ,1.45-1 .55 yuan / kWh, steady .

In the mining and cargo operators reluctant to sell emotional support, tungsten ore quotations finally have swarmed, but gains are not obvious. Mainstream tungsten scrap prices continued maintenance of stability, the height of the blade and scrap tungsten material transactions performed relatively well, driven by the ore price rise, some businesses offer has raised the signs of domestic waste tungsten blade appears 172-173 yuan / kg offer. Tungsten scrap market is expected to more than the short-term transient stability sidelines.

Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online - http://www.chinatungsten.com
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
Email: sales@chinatungsten.com
Tungsten & Molybdenum Information Bank: http://i.chinatungsten.com
Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version: http://3g.chinatungsten.com
Molybdenum News & Molybdenum Price: http://news.molybdenum.com.cn


Dayu County Accelerate Industrial Restructuring And Upgrading of Tungsten And Non-Ferrous Mmetals


Recently, I came to the big city back I Mingfa mining technology projects into the garden , I saw workers are methodically installation and commissioning of equipment. The project leader told the author , the main project has been completed , is expected in July of this year can be put into trial production , when the company production processes and value-added products will be increased dramatically. Traditional and non-ferrous metal processing industry tungsten is an important support Dayu County economic development in recent years, the county through technological innovation, product upgrades and recycling industry chain , to promote traditional industries increased "high " to " green " , full of new life.

Leveraging technological innovation and scientific and technological innovation , accelerate the pace of Dayu County tungsten and non-ferrous metal processing industry to upgrade . The county last year issued a special "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the technological transformation of enterprises to promote industrial restructuring and development of " technological transformation of enterprises to establish a long-term mechanism . In recent years , the county Weiliang Tungsten , Mingfa mining, Jincheng traditional tungsten and tungsten industry, non-ferrous metal processing enterprises through the park to relocate , on a number of new technology projects . For these companies, not just the geographic relocation of admission transformation, because the use of better equipment , more advanced technology , enterprise development space is also growing.

Zhuchaoyinfeng come Dayu County actively build provincial tungsten and non-ferrous metal processing base for traditional and non-ferrous metal industry transformation tungsten inject "living water ." Looking at the big projects and high-end enterprise , the county seize the "Opinions " issued favorable policies around the tungsten and non-ferrous metal processing industry chain investment, promote industrial agglomeration . Just two years , the dragon has been something of tungsten industry, the Water Dragon Group , Industry and Trade and a number of firefly billion yuan investment in tungsten and non-ferrous metal processing companies settled. The company's advanced production technology , and several companies are committed to producing high-performance carbide, tungsten and heat shock specialty coated tools of high value-added products .

Dayu County also vigorously develop the circular economy , promote the traditional tungsten and non-ferrous metal processing industry change " green ." Currently, the county has a new materials company Morimoto silver waste recycling, waste Donghong use tungsten tin products company , Tin Shing new material recycling company bismuth multiple projects in line with the policy of comprehensive utilization of resources , the initial formation of tungsten and non-ferrous metal processing industry the "Mining - primaries - deep processing - waste recycling ," the combined cycle industrial system.

Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online - http://www.chinatungsten.com
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
Email: sales@chinatungsten.com
Tungsten & Molybdenum Information Bank: http://i.chinatungsten.com
Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version: http://3g.chinatungsten.com
Molybdenum News & Molybdenum Price: http://news.molybdenum.com.cn


ST Tungsten:Tungsten Concentrate Prices Will Drag Performance


Tungsten high-tech (000657)  Yuehua Wen general manager pointed out that the rapid decline of tungsten concentrate adversely affect performance of the company would.

Tungsten concentrate prices have remained relatively stable most conducive to the company's normal operations. If kept at 105,000 yuan per ton tungsten concentrates performance of the company will remain in the normal range.

Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online - http://www.chinatungsten.com
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
Email: sales@chinatungsten.com
Tungsten & Molybdenum Information Bank: http://i.chinatungsten.com
Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version: http://3g.chinatungsten.com
Molybdenum News & Molybdenum Price: http://news.molybdenum.com.cn


Mainstream Market Running Smoothly Tungsten,Tungsten Downstream Products Due to Continued Weak Demand And Weaker


Mainstream market running smoothly tungsten, tungsten downstream products due to continued weak demand and weaker, raw tungsten concentrate by mining, cargo operators reluctant to sell to raise prices, resulting in recent days despite the price range of tungsten ore little change, but the transaction price slightly upward , feed ore prices are expected to remain firm this week, steady.

Macro level, SCS cloth energy saving low-carbon action plan, resource tax ad valorem; ministries strengthen energy and carbon intensity target responsibility assessment; several investment banks "changed to" turn the RMB exchange rate is expected to depreciate by the liter.

Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online - http://www.chinatungsten.com
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
Email: sales@chinatungsten.com
Tungsten & Molybdenum Information Bank: http://i.chinatungsten.com
Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version: http://3g.chinatungsten.com
Molybdenum News & Molybdenum Price: http://news.molybdenum.com.cn


Tungsten City Mainstream Smooth Operation,External Molybdenum Products Market Rebound Again


Summary Sentence: Tungsten market mainstream products due to the smooth operation of the downstream demand remained weak and weaker, raw tungsten concentrate by mining, cargo operators reluctant sellers shill cause recently traded price of tungsten ore mine slightly upstream material prices are expected to remain firm this week smooth; external molybdenum products market rebound again significantly boost the role of investors, domestic molybdenum product prices generally stable, although the actual turnover of the atmosphere is poor mentality imposed Qiuwen portion of participants hold stocks of foreign cheap little reluctant to sell stocks significantly.

Tungsten Market: Tungsten market mainstream smooth running downstream tungsten products due to continued weak demand and weaker. Raw tungsten concentrate due to mining, cargo operators reluctant to sell to raise prices, leading to the recent trading price of tungsten ore slightly upward, feeding ore prices are expected to remain firm this week steady.

Molybdenum Market: External molybdenum products market rebound again, obvious boost to investors. Molybdenum prices generally stable domestic product, although the actual transaction poor atmosphere, the participants wanted stability and strong mentality. Combined with some much inventory hold stocks, foreign obviously reluctant to sell cheap. Steel is at the end of the interim recruiting, or expected short-term molybdenum market volatility is not.

Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online - http://www.chinatungsten.com
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
Email: sales@chinatungsten.com
Tungsten & Molybdenum Information Bank: http://i.chinatungsten.com
Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version: http://3g.chinatungsten.com
Molybdenum News & Molybdenum Price: http://news.molybdenum.com.cn


Raw tungsten ore prices firm highly tight scrap tungsten material resources

Cargo operators reluctant to sell due to the recent raw tungsten ore prices firm in a slight rise. Height scrap tungsten material resources tight , turnover is relatively good. Powder products demand continues to slump, the overall market was constantly falling trend. Tungsten mainstream market is expected to short-term market steady run .

Macro level, HSBC China May PMI hit a five-month high , new orders rose to above 50 ; Sichuan province billion investment in water conservancy construction , Sichuan enterprises or will usher in opportunity ; RMB exchange rate depreciation for the year to increase over 3%.

Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online - http://www.chinatungsten.com
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
Email:  sales@chinatungsten.com
Tungsten & Molybdenum Information Bank: http://i.chinatungsten.com
Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version: http://3g.chinatungsten.com
Molybdenum News & Molybdenum Price: http://news.molybdenum.com.cn

Tungsten City mainstream smooth operation, turnover continued to light

Tungsten City mainstream running smoothly , because businesses continue to be reluctant to sell raw tungsten ore prices firm , and a slight rise. The height of the grinding material resources tight market , turnover is relatively good. Deep processing of tungsten powder products continued sluggish demand , falling prices of raw materials can not buy , manufacturers cut, cut increased. Expected short-term maintenance of stability of tungsten ore market or continue to run .

As the mines and cargo operators reluctant to sell mood strong, ore, tungsten concentrate purchases more difficult, prompting two days Scheelite offer a slight uplift. However , the mainstream transaction continuous light, and not much change in transaction price , shipping business is not strong , many believe that the current transaction prices are not lowered room , tungsten concentrate supply slightly nervous. Source: ASEAN Mineral Resources

Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online - http://www.chinatungsten.com
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
Email:  sales@chinatungsten.com
Tungsten & Molybdenum Information Bank: http://i.chinatungsten.com
Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version: http://3g.chinatungsten.com
Molybdenum News & Molybdenum Price: http://news.molybdenum.com.cn

Xuchang City will strengthen key areas such as standardization of superhard materials

Recently, the province's quality after listening to and watching television and telephone conference , Xuchang City meeting for deployment. Mayor Zhang Guohui in his speech stressed the need to enhance the sense of responsibility to do quality work , promote and improve the level of quality of work , quality of work guarantee the smooth progress , quality of work and strive to create a new situation in the city . Vice Mayor Zhaozhen Hong attended the meeting.

Since last year, Xuchang City adhere to the implementation Zhilianglishi strategy , the quality of work achieved remarkable results. XJ Group won the inaugural China Quality Award nomination , won the governor Mori Source Group Quality Award , National Geographic indications protection products reached nine , the State Quality Inspection Center of hair products successfully passed the " triple certification " , Xiangcheng County became the country's first "comprehensive standardized national circular economy demonstration counties ."

On how to implement the spirit of the province's quality work conference , Zhang Guohui put forward three requirements . To effectively enhance the sense of responsibility to do quality work . Quality is a country, a reflection of the overall strength of the region , but also embodies the core competitiveness of enterprises and industries , and is related to the overall economic and social development , related to the people's vital interests. Departments at all levels should further strengthen the quality of work responsibility, sense of urgency, the Zhilianglishi as a foundation, a fundamental work on the long term , innovative initiatives , carrying out work in order to keep the quality of progress and development Xuchang to enhance the attractiveness and competitiveness.

To effectively promote and improve the quality level of work . To strict quality and safety supervision , grasp the important quality and safety of products and regions , grasp buildings, public facilities, engineering quality supervision, good job security service quality, grasp the ecological quality and safety , law enforcement and must always maintain high vigilance , concentration and control of a batch of key products , key markets , key industries and key areas . To strengthen the standard system , and continuously strengthen key areas of equipment manufacturing, food processing , power electronics, super-hard materials such as standardization , increase standardization bodies nurture , strengthen the technical standards of service support. To speed up the construction of its own brand , to focus on the city's three leading , four features and five strategic emerging industries, accelerate the development of well-known brands ; reward incentive systems to improve the implementation of incentives for brand-name enterprises to focus on supporting ; should play a brand driven role , fostering well-known brands to create a demonstration area. To speed up the detection of high levels of public service platform , around the dominant industry and 10 industrial parks , relying on leading enterprises, high-standard construction inspection of public technical service platform, to enhance the quality of information platform construction , providing a full range of economic development service quality information .

To effectively protect the quality of the work smoothly. Quality of the work of various departments at all levels should be included in the agenda, increase financial input and strengthen organizational leadership , industries, enterprises should play the main role , social responsibility , initiative do quality work . To improve the supervision and evaluation mechanism, strengthen the quality of work assessment , all regional occurrence of systemic product quality and safety incidents , the implementation of a veto. Accident investigation to strict quality and accountability of working poor , dereliction of duty serious accountability , severely crack down on corruption in the quality of malfeasance involved in the accident . To deepen the reform and innovation in the field quality , overall good quality adjustment functions , hierarchical management , and striving for the "strong mass market model city ", and accelerate the quality and integrity of the system , and actively create a fair competitive market environment. Source: Network

Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online - http://www.chinatungsten.com
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
Email:  sales@chinatungsten.com
Tungsten & Molybdenum Information Bank: http://i.chinatungsten.com
Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version: http://3g.chinatungsten.com
Molybdenum News & Molybdenum Price: http://news.molybdenum.com.cn

Tungsten and rare earth new materials technology development and inspection service platform construction project

Recently, the State Development and Reform Commission officially approved the Golden State Science and Technology , Ganzhou Tungsten and Rare Earth New Materials R & D and inspection service platform construction projects included in the national high-tech industry development projects and national funding grant program and give eight million yuan grant funds for the project construction and operation of the process of technology development, hardware and software acquisition and application promotion . This is the Ganzhou Development Zone, the first elected to the national high-tech industrial development projects.

It is reported that the project is mainly responsible for the country tungsten , rare earth and other non-ferrous metal products quality supervision inspection, testing and enterprise arbitration commission inspection ; national, local and industry-standard system ( revising) and so on . After completion of the project for technical innovation tungsten and rare earths , to extend and improve value-added products , enhance core competitiveness and international competitiveness of the industry , promote industrial restructuring and upgrading , and import and export trade to provide technical support and security chain. Source: Network

Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online - http://www.chinatungsten.com
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
Email:  sales@chinatungsten.com
Tungsten & Molybdenum Information Bank: http://i.chinatungsten.com
Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version: http://3g.chinatungsten.com
Molybdenum News & Molybdenum Price: http://news.molybdenum.com.cn

Dayu County tungsten industry to upgrade the effectiveness of the wind

Recently, traditional and non-ferrous metal processing industry tungsten is an important support Dayu County economic development in recent years, the county through technological innovation, product upgrades and recycling industry chain , to promote traditional industries increased "high " to " Green & rdquo ; , full of new life.

Leveraging technological innovation and scientific and technological innovation , accelerate the pace of Dayu County tungsten and non-ferrous metal processing industry to upgrade . The county last year issued a special "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the technological transformation of enterprises to promote industrial restructuring and development of " technological transformation of enterprises to establish a long-term mechanism . In recent years , the county Weiliang Tungsten , Mingfa mining, Jincheng traditional tungsten and tungsten industry, non-ferrous metal processing enterprises through the park to relocate , on a number of new technology projects . For these companies, not just the geographic relocation of admission transformation, because the use of better equipment , more advanced technology , enterprise development space is also growing.

Zhuchaoyinfeng come Dayu County actively build provincial tungsten and non-ferrous metal processing base for traditional and non-ferrous metal industry transformation tungsten inject "living water ." Looking at the big projects and high-end enterprise , the county seize the "Opinions " issued favorable policies around the tungsten and non-ferrous metal processing industry chain investment, promote industrial agglomeration . Just two years , the dragon has been something of tungsten industry, the Water Dragon Group , Industry and Trade and a number of firefly billion yuan investment in tungsten and non-ferrous metal processing companies settled. The company's advanced production technology , and several companies are committed to producing high-performance carbide, tungsten and heat shock specialty coated tools of high value-added products .

Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online - http://www.chinatungsten.com
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
Email:  sales@chinatungsten.com
Tungsten & Molybdenum Information Bank: http://i.chinatungsten.com
Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version: http://3g.chinatungsten.com
Molybdenum News & Molybdenum Price: http://news.molybdenum.com.cn

