The Latest Ferro Tungsten Price by 25th Dec

The price of 75.00% ferrotungsten in the Chinese mainland is ¥175,000.00-176,000.00/t on Dec 25,2012, which keeps the same as it was.


Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
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The Latest Ferro Tungsten Price by 24th Dec

The price of 75.00% ferro tungsten in the Chinese mainland is ¥175,000.00-176,000.00/t on Dec 24, 2012, which keeps the same as it was.


Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -

Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797


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Tungsten Alloy Radiation Cap

As medical science developing so repaid, there is more and more radiation in our life, which has become a new trouble, such as X-ray radiation, gamma radiation (energetic electromagnetic radiation), radiation of alpha particles (helium atoms) beta particles (electrons) and cosmic radiation, etc. Tungsten alloy radiation cap protect us from the radiation. Tungsten alloy radiation shielding is better than shielding made by other materials.


Tungsten Alloy

Tungsten alloy ,also named tungsten heavy alloy, generally is refractory metal, which have two-phase composites consisting of W-Ni- Fe or W-Ni- Cu or even W-Ni-Cu-Fe, some tungsten alloys are added Co、Mo、Cr, etc. They have very high melting point and have a density twice that of steel and are more than 50% heavier than lead. Tungsten content in conventional heavy alloys varies from 90 to 98 weight percent and is the reason for their high density (between 16.5 and 18.75 g/cc).




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Tungsten Alloy

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