Tungsten Oxide Prices Stabilize on Persistent Weakness in the Demand Side

Analysis of latest tungsten market from Chinatungsten Online

Chinese tungsten powder and tungsten oxide prices are still unchanged from the previous trading day on persistent weakness in the demand side and low operating rate of manufacturers. 

Upstream tungsten ore price continues its stability, supporting the confidence of insiders while downstream purchasers slow down their paces of stocking up. Therefore, the market is in a stalemate. At present, market participants mainly wait for the new guide prices from tungsten institutions and listed companies. 

The tungsten concentrate supply increases, but seller's strong rised mentality makes low-price resources difficult to be purchased. Most offers hover around $12,318.8/t to 12,753.6/t. the tungsten powder and APT markets remain quiet with low trading activity. Product prices are hardly to rise in the short term.

Prices of tungsten products on Dec. 18, 2019

blue tungsten oxide price image

Picture of blue tungsten oxide 

blue tungsten oxide image

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