Tungsten Market in China Set to Maintain Stability This Week

Analysis of latest tungsten market from Chinatungsten Online: A large tungsten enterprise in Jiangxi province, China released its guide prices for April last Friday amid 65% wolframite concentrate price was $17,580.6/t, 65% scheelite concentrate price was $173,387.1/t, APT price was $308/mtu, unchanged from that of late March. The result shows that main large tungsten enterprises hold stable mentality on market outlook, which will further limit the rise or decline in tungsten price.

Last week, the whole tungsten price changed slightly. The tight supply of APT spot goods raised offers from smelting factories while other tungsten prices maintained stability. Considering the environmental protection policy limiting production of tungsten ores, tungsten market is expected to continue stable trend this week.

Prices of tungsten products on Apr. 23, 2018

ammonium paratungstate price picture

Picture of ammonium paratungstate

ammonium paratungstate picture

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