Thin Trading Volumes and Firm Quotation in Tungsten Market

Analysis of latest tungsten market in China from Chinatungsten Online: Domestic tungsten market is running steadily with good market mentality, and mainstream tungsten price keeps firm. However, due to financial strain and continuing shutdown of smelters at the end of the year, market trading volumes are thin. On the whole, tungsten market in China will stabilize in the short term.

Tungsten Association in Ganzhou released market quotations for January last Friday: wolframite concentrate was quoted at $17,519/t, up $775/t; APT was quoted at $303/mtu, up $12/mtu; tungsten powder was quoted at $42.6/kg, up $1.9/kg.

As for large tungsten enterprises, Zhangyuan Tungsten also released market quotations for the first half of January. Wolframite concentrate was quoted at $17,519/t, up $465/t on the month; APT was quoted at $303/mtu, up $3.5/mtu on the month.

Prices of tungsten products on Jan. 09, 2018

tungsten products price picture

Picture of tungsten powder

tungsten powder picture

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