Training Methods for Darts Practice

Breathing Excercises
The simplest, most common way of overcoming nerves and lost concentration is through focusing on breathing. Very simply close your eyes and focus on taking deep, slow breaths, concentrating more on relaxing on the out breath than the depth of the in breath. With the out breath feel the tension in the muscles let go. Taking three deep breaths before beginning your round will get you into the habit of focus and concentration.

Overcoming Dartitis
Some high-level players, such as five-time world champion Eric Bristow, have suffered from a psychological condition known as dartitis, which makes it difficult for players to allow themselves to let go of the dart at the point of throwing. Players have managed to overcome this problem in a number of ways, often by learning to synchronize their out breath to the release of the dart. However, other, more long-term, solutions may also be necessary, such as improving diet and lifestyle and sometimes switching to the opposite eye you use to line up the shot. Many players may suffer from milder versions of this condition and it may be worth investigating any or all of these approaches to help relieve general tension when playing, thus improving one's shot.


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