Rules for Darts
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- Category: Tungsten Dart News & Info
- Published on Tuesday, 17 September 2013 09:42
Darts is a fun social game that has been around a very long time. Its enduring popularity reveals it to be a sport that combines talent, skill and even a bit of luck. This website will tell you everything you need to know about setting up and enjoying the game of darts.
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The history of darts goes back to the days of the Longbow in Medeival England.
The setup for the dartboard is fairly simple, but it is rigid and for the sake of uniformity should be done as precisely as possible.
Safety is a prime concern playing with darts, because they can be dangerous if handled improperly.
The basic rules of darts are simple, fun and provide for a competitive game.
There are many variations to the rules for darts. We give you the flavor of a few.
Learning how to throw darts is fundamental to becomming a good dart player.
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