Darts rules of game

Dart scoring method is very simple, dartboard is divided equally into 20 partitions, scores were 1-20 points, the innermost red dart center (bullseye) is 50 points, bullseye green outer ring area scores is 25 points. Dart there twice a narrow ring, outer ring of the corresponding partition narrow double zone, the inner ring is narrow area three times the corresponding partition. So dart highest scoring area on the disk is not partitioned bull's-eye 50, but 20 times the partition area, hit the area can get 60 points for each dart.

Red bull's-eye suspension height to 1.73 meters from the ground, throw a dart at bullseye to stand 2.37 meters away from the location. Dart disk is divided into twenty wedges, each wedge marked outside this wedge score. Outside the score that an annular twice the basic fraction (referred to as "twice the area"), and the middle fraction is within an annular base score of times (referred to as "triple region"). Central has two concentric cow (Bullseye / Bull), who called out outside the bull's-eye or a single bull's-eye, 25 points, the game is generally treated as a single-zone; inside that is called within the bull's-eye or double bull's-eye, 50 points , generally regarded as the double zone. Dart scoring method has 301,501, 701,1001, Mickey Mouse and so on.

Many players are not familiar with dart and did not get the end of the game's basic mathematical knowledge necessary to seriously affect their performance. They put too much time and energy on line before throwing on math. Whether it is a good Dart player, or an ordinary enthusiast, practicing the best combination would you score in the real benefit.



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