Darts types

China darts, editor Kuo Yuan Ming introduction, the following three kinds of darts, dart hand for different stages of use, hereby recommend to you.
Straight Darts: The most common type, suitable for entry-novices. Before and after the maximum diameter equal to the relative length of a long, small diameter, tungsten steel density ranging from 70% to 97%.
Torpedo dart: Front thick, followed by thin, short length, tungsten steel density 80-90%. Located in front of the center of gravity darts, throwing its high accuracy, common with "Mary dart", "sorcerer dart", "Dennis dart" and so on.
Tonneau Darts: commonly known as "master dart" in the middle thick, two thin, shorter length, higher density tungsten steel. Its center of gravity is very short, right grip position, shot requirements are higher, the slightest mistake is off course. Common with density of 95% "Taylor 5", 97% of the "Hamilton" and 90% of the "John Law."


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