How is the Knurling?

Knurling is the grip on the barrel of the dart.  The coarser the knurling the better grip the darter will have in their throw.  Because tungsten is so dense, it does not wear down from use as quickly, allowing the thrower a consistent release.  I tend to have sweaty hands during competition and really like a coarse knurling to prevent the darts from slipping in my throwing motion. 

The best I have found from over 10 years of throwing is Bottelsen’s steel-tip Gorilla Grip Hammer Head Darts with 90% tungsten.  I have used these darts for over 4 years and they seem to retain their knurling on the barrel quite well.  I am sure that there are many other brands that have similar techniques to a raised grip point and the best advice I can give is to feel a few at sporting goods store or at a tournament with a vendor displaying darts.  However, before you purchase you should continue reading.


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