Smuggling of rare earth sources: supporting services were gradually

Rare rampant smuggling activities , has many causes . First of all, there is no source of rare earth development always has . Zhang Anwen , deputy secretary general of China Society of Rare Earths , told reporters that "black rare earth" repeatedly played without a break , have a steady stream of smugglers of rare earth supply . If the management is good source of resource development , will become part of the follow-up source of water.

Secondly, the rare earth export quota management system still inadequate . Of China's rare earth export quota management system introduced in 1998, was intended to protect rare earth resources, but in some experts, the existence of this policy several disadvantages: on the one hand , China has restricted exports of primary products , while rare , but rare earth functional materials to encourage , devices and other products exported , although improved quality of export products , but did not play a role in preventing the loss of rare earth resources , but polluted the environment , destroy the mine ecological ; on the other hand , the current system is not strategic for different rare earth products value for further distinction.

Insiders pointed out that there are 17 kinds of rare earth elements , and uses very different characters , but after half a century of development , there are more than 400 kinds of rare earth products , more than 1000 kinds of specifications, the export of rare earth products are also hundreds of species of rare earths present export tariff is only 50 come to some products and export tariff of touch, not only unable to meet regulatory needs , but also lead to loss of resources and smuggling . Currently on export management, only the rare earth products are divided into simple oxides, salts and metals in three , resulting in management inconvenience.

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