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Category: Tungsten's News
Published on Tuesday, 11 December 2012 02:59
Hits: 3369
The tungsten electrode suppliers remains quiet this week, and the trading volume does not see any obvious improvements. The tungsten concentrate and ammounium patatungstate (APT) prices move up slightly, but as consumers are cautious in adding stocks, the tungsten electrode suppliers hold offers stable tentatively and watch the market for a while. A producer based in Hebei, whose output is around 5 tons per month for tungsten electrode, noted that they quote prices for ground thorium tungsten electrode at RMB420-430/kg (USD66.7-68.3/kg) this week, unchanged compared with those of last week. He added that they still keep on production now, and have some stocks in hand. As the demand for tungsten electrode is unfavorable, tungsten electrode suppliers have mainly deal with old orders.
The source noted that the guiding tungsten electrode prices came out last week, and the tungsten concentrate and APT suppliers increased offers gradually. However, the transaction prices do not see obvious change. He expressed that they will watch the market for a while.
Another source from a tungsten electrode factory in Beijing revealed that they make offers for ground thorium tungsten electrode and polished cerium tungsten electrode price at RMB470/kg (USD74.7/kg) and RMB420/kg (USD66.7/kg) respectively at present. He noted that tungsten electrode suppliers held offers stable in the recent days.
The source said that the demands from domestic and foreign markets are still weak now. Foreign consumers usually add stocks before the Christmas holiday, but this year is different because of dull economic situation. They received few inquiries these days. “The tungsten concentrate and APT offers moved up these days, and the prices for tungsten electrode are likely to be stable or even increase slightly,” he stated. “It is expected that tungsten electrode suppliers are inactive in near term with low demand.”