Source of Tungsten Concentrate Increasing While the Prices Decrease

With the coming of New Year, domestic tungsten concentrate shows its downward trend. Today, 65% tungsten concentrate based on Ganzhou mainstream quotation focus on ¥115,000.00-116,000.00/t, and the real transaction price may be lower to ¥113,000.00/t. According to tungsten suppliers, flow supply of goods in spot market is relatively sufficient which could restrict the spot price to some extent. However, facing dual-pressure of low demand and fund shortage, many tungsten suppliers have to quote in order to get cash.

A tungsten trader from Hunan said, “the supply of goods is adequate, especially in tungsten ore. We estimate the net profit of tungsten concentrate is ¥20,000.00-30,000.00, so decreasing tungsten concentrate prices is possible. But with the consideration of market risk, tungsten traders are not dare to stock up too much goods, thereby the transaction volume is still low”.

Chinatungsten analyzes, tungsten market goes down, and the small and medium-size enterprises, which under high pressure, have to ship with low prices to ease fund pressure. Chinatungsten Online expects the price will reduce to ¥115,000.00, even to ¥110,000.00, but the possibility to lower than ¥110,000.00 is small.


Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online -
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