Tungsten Specific Experience is Key to Investors

As in any mining story, grade is very important. But tungsten differs from other industrial metals and minerals and can be a tough metal to process.

In fact, it is so specialized that experience with any other metal or material is not transferable.  Therefore, having geologists and a metallurgist who have significant tungsten specific experience is key.

Furthermore, there are primarily two minerals that contain tungsten—wolframite and scheelite—and each requires different milling techniques.

Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier: Chinatungsten Online - http://www.chinatungsten.com
Tel.: 86 592 5129696; Fax: 86 592 5129797
Email: sales@chinatungsten.com
Tungsten Picture Center: http://picture.chinatungsten.com
Tungsten Video Center: http://v.chinatungsten.com
Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version: http://3g.chinatungsten.com



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