Chinese Tungsten and Molybdenum Import and Export Statistics in October

Chinese tungsten and molybdenum import and export statistics in October is from customs shows that the overall trade amount is in the decrease.

Chinese Tungsten Import and Export Statistics

According to the newly update statistics from customs, in October, 2018, Chinese tungsten concentrate import volume is 880ton, which drop 28% from the previous month. Import volume of sodium tungstate is 70ton, increase 94%. Tungsten trioxide 2.2ton, increase 37.5%. Tungsten powder 23.5ton, decrease 11%. Tungsten carbide 3.4ton, decrease 37%.

Export volume: sodium tungstate, 5ton, decrease 83%. Tungsten trioxide 580ton, decrease 14.7%. Ammonium paratungstate, 282ton, decrease 26.2%. Ferro tungsten 152ton, decrease 41%. Tungsten powder 285ton. increase 38%. Tungsten carbide 533ton, increase 11.7%.

tungsten concentrate photo

Chinese Molybdenum Import and Export Statistics

Import volume: molybdenum concentrate 1267ton, increase 3%. Molybdenum oxide 532ton, decrease 11.3%. During January and October, aggregate molybdenum concentrate import volume is 12579ton, molybdenum oxide is 4262ton.

Export volume: molybdenum concentrate is 0ton, molybdenum oxide is 592ton, increase 37.7%. Ferro molybdenum 45ton, decrease 85%. Ammonium molybdate 109ton, decrease 35.5%. High purity molybdenum trioxide 178ton, decrease 3.8%. Molybdenum powder 28ton. increase 7.7%. Aggregate molybdenum concentrate export volume from January to October is 3557ton, molybdenum trioxide is 5500ton, ferro molybdenum is 3842ton, ammonium molybdate is 1487 ton, high purity molybdenum trioxide is 2324ton, molybdenum powder is 425ton.




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