Tungsten Trioxide Film Different Sputtering Power

Magnetron sputtering is one of the main methods for preparing tungsten trioxide thin films. In the process of preparing tungsten trioxide film by magnetron sputtering, the surface characteristics of the tungsten trioxide film prepared by different sputtering powers are also different. The size of the sputtering power also affects the internal properties of the tungsten trioxide film.

Before the magnetron sputtering method, the tungsten oxide is first subjected to a pre-sputtering for a period. The length of the pre-sputtering depends on the length of time that the tungsten trioxide is stored in the air. The general pre-sputtering time is 10-15 minutes. The purpose of this is to remove the tungsten oxide tungsten oxide surface in the accumulation of accumulated pollutants.

The process of magnetron sputtering the tungsten trioxide film formed on the substrate is obtained by the reaction between the atoms sputtered by the tungsten trioxide and the active gas in the chamber. The sputtering voltage controls the glow discharge of tungsten trioxide and provides the conditions for subsequent chemical reactions. The composition of the gas inside the chamber and the sputtering power directly determine the change in film composition and performance.

Tungsten oxide picture

The comparison of the transmission spectra of tungsten trioxide with 100W, 80W and 60W sputtering power shows that the electrochromic properties of the films decrease when the power is too large and too small, and the difference of the transmittance is the best at 80W. Different power will affect the sputtering process of tungsten ions bombardment in the film on the substrate effect, thus affecting the structure of the film, will further affect the film's discoloration.

When the sputtering power is 80W, the difference in transmission between the colored state and the fading state in the wavelength range of 390nm-760nm is comparatively poor, and the discoloration performance is good. The difference in transmittance between the two states averaged over 80%. The prepared Tungsten Oxide thin film fading transmittance difference with the original state is very small, so it also shows a good reversibility.

Tungsten oxide picture


