The Best Way to Clean a Diamond Ring

Nothing sparkles quite like a diamond ring, that is, until it gets dirty. For an engaged or married woman, chances are that your diamond ring is your most valued and precious piece of jewelry. It is worn constantly and is likely to become dulled by the things that touch your hands every day. This includes dirt, grease from cooking and leftover lotion that can get into the crevices of the setting. Luckily, cleaning your ring at home is simple and will leave your diamond ring as glittery as the day you received it.

You will need three bowls to set up a cleaning station for your ring. Make sure the bowls are clean and free of any residue. You will also need warm water, ammonia, rubber gloves, dishwashing liquid, a soft-bristled toothbrush and some tissue.

Ammonia Solution
In one of the bowls, mix a solution of 1 cup of warm water and a 1/4 cup of ammonia. Place the ring in the solution and just let it soak in it for about 20 minutes. The ammonia water will act as a powerful yet gentle cleaning solution that will loosen all the dirt and oil that can build up in the hard-to-reach crevices of the setting. After 20 minutes, this residue will be much easier to remove.

Soapy Solution
While you wait for the ring to soak in the ammonia solution, fill a second bowl with warm water and a little bit of dishwashing liquid. Stir the water up to distribute the soap evenly. Put on the rubber gloves and remove the ring from the ammonia solution. Gently drop the ring into the soapy water and swish it around a bit.

Scrub the Ring
Take the ring out of the solution and wet the toothbrush with the soapy water. Gently scrub the ring, making sure to get the bristles in the small crevices and between the diamond and the setting. The residue should be loosened by the ammonia and easy to remove. It is important to use a soft-bristled toothbrush. Otherwise, you could risk scratching the metal of the ring with harder bristles.

Rinse and Dry
Fill one last bowl with clean warm  Drop the ring in and swish it around for a bit to ensure that all the soap has been removed. If soap dries on the ring, it could leave a dulling residue behind. Place the ring on a piece of tissue and allow it to air dry. Afterit is dried, your ring will have a stunning sheen that is comparable to taking it to a professional cleaner.


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