How to Get Insurance for Engagement Rings

Your fiancee's engagement ring is not only a priceless token, it's an expensive purchase.Given the ring's relatively small size and high dollar value, it makes sense to insure it against loss or theft. Replacing an engagement ring out of pocket could be quite a financial blow.

1.Request a quote from your insurance agent. If you already have renter's or homeowner's insurance, it will usually be easy to add a "floater" policy to cover the ring. Make sure to ask what causes of loss are covered.

2.Establish the ring's value. Your sales receipt from the purchase of a new ring may be sufficient. Your insurance company may request a written appraisal of value from a jeweler in addition to the sales receipt. The face value of the policy will be determined by the ring's value.

3.Take the ring to the insurance office. The insurance agent will take photos of the ring,validate your ownership documents, and draw up the policy.

4.Pay the initial premium. Insurance coverage begins upon receipt of your initial premium payment. Make sure to keep up on the premium payments so that your policy doesn't lapse.


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