Wedding Necklace Ideas

The preparations that you make to take the walk down the aisle to marry the man of your dreams are the most important that you will ever make. Each detail of your dress, veil,shoes and accessories has been thought out for weeks before that big day. The jewelry that you choose to wear to accessorize your bridal attire must sparkle. Some of the pieces that you choose may have a deep meaning. When searching for the perfect necklace to wear on your trip down the aisle, consider what is most important to you for your jewelry.

Vintage Pieces
A vintage piece of jewelry is the perfect choice for a traditional wedding with a classically designed dress. Antique jewelry may be found in antique shops, at estate sales and on online auction sites. For brides on a budget, vintage necklaces are often affordable. Rhinestones and crystals can create a sparkling necklace with the design and style of a previous era.

A diamond necklace certainly has the sparkle and distinction to enhance your wedding ensemble. You can also choose colored gemstones to add a flash of color to your white dress. Sapphires are a stunning choice for a wedding necklace and they also satisfy your need for something blue. Blue symbolizes loyalty, which makes the sapphire a perfect choice for exchanging vows. For a more classic look, choose pearls; you can continue wearing them on special occasions for years to come.

Family Heirloom
A piece of jewelry from your mother or grandmother is a sentimental choice for your wedding necklace. Consider wearing the necklace your mother wore during her wedding to your father for a piece that has deep meaning. The tradition of passing a wedding necklace from mother to daughter can continue for generations.

Handmade Pieces
With a handmade piece, you can create the exact piece of jewelry you want to wear on your wedding day. Work with a jewelry designer to create a wedding necklace that meets your specifications. If you have a talent for jewelry making, design and make your own jewelry for your wedding.


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