About Ceramic Rings

A new trend in wedding rings has taken the form of ceramics and has given men more options when selecting the ring they will wear for the rest of their lives. Ceramic rings carry many benefits over classic materials such as gold, silver or platinum. Aside from ceramic's more affordable cost, its functionality and strength are some of its main attributes.

Titanium carbide, or TiC, is also known as high-tech ceramic. It is used to make many forms of contemporary jewelry including men's wedding rings. All carbide ceramics are known for their extremely high melting points; TiC melts at 3,100 C or 5,612 F. Other uses of high-tech ceramic include as plating for bullet-proof vests and in cutting tools and coating to prevent wear and tear. The material has also been used to partially form space-shuttle shields.


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Tungsten News & Tungsten Prices, 3G Version: http://3g.chinatungsten.com
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